The beginning / Chapter 1

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The way she thought, a miracle happened in everyone's life for once.

Even though it could be in different forms, it was always something one would never expect.

That was what she believed, was happening to her.

Something out of the box, a magic had suddenly happened leaving her surprised.

Seela looked at her sister bewildered.

And after a moment of staring at her elder sister, Rose, she finally spoke,

" I am dying, aren't I? "

Rose looked visibly shocked as she took a step back,

" What are you even talking about, Seela? Such a drama queen."

Rose spoke, tired but amused by Seela's attitude. A smile visible on her face, she handed the ticket over to Seela.

Seela grasped it as she rolled it in her hands, looking carefully at the intricate pattern on the corner of the invite.

It was a oval shaped card with a beautiful design of rose diamonds in the centre.

Right in the top corner, was written in dark bold letters , ' LOVEDALE '

She sighed.

" Why do you want to give me a ticket worth 500 dollars, last I remember you were not ready to share your bunny pyjamas with me.... Is this a prank?"

She added as she continued to stare in Rose's eyes.

Inside, Seela bubbled with happiness, she had just been given a ticket, worth 500 dollars to a concert where she might meet the man of her dreams.

She wondered what he would look like if he would have curly hair or straight...

She smiled foolishly at the ground before looking up to meet Rose's annoyed face.

She looked slightly at the way Rose's chin all shriveled up when she gets angry.

Rose took a long breath ,

" I know we didn't have the best relationship, but that doesn't mean that I won't give you something that is of no use to me. It's a waste of 500 dollars, the invite is if no use to me now that I have a boyfriend. Keep it or I'll give it to one of my best friends."

Seela rubbed the diamond pattern on the invite as she rolled her eyes and ran upstairs to her room.

She hated when Rose talked to her like that.

She was 18 for god's sake. Rose wasn't much older than her but had always treated Seela like a child.
But she smiled as she placed the invite on the small drawer.

Seela started to massage her hair and the earthly fragrance of the coconut oil filled her nostrils and she smiled as she remembered how one day when she was coming back from her classes, one of her friends had yelled as to how she would be gifted the Lovedale's popular invite on her 18th birthday.

Seela had felt jealous as not only was Lovedale a very popular thing but it would mean that she would be the only one now who's still single.

Each one of her friends had now found a boyfriend and as much as she pretended to enjoy the single life, she wanted one too.

Lovedale, a dream place for all the young adults out there. It was loathed by the parents though. They believe that the culture was being lost in all those dating shows and apps. Some of them even filed a case against it but they never won. And they never won because the case was never presented in the court.

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