Escape drama/chapter 5

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"But as he would be entering the human territory, he decided to take Nile, his best friend, and Beta as a companion so that he doesn't kill a few more humans, accidentally."

After so long Zachiarez could feel his wolf and all it was determined to do was mark the girl and kill the boy, Jake.

As Zachiarez entered a small alley he realized that he was almost near Jake's home, Nile just behind him.

Nizar was relieved that Jake would be killed soon.

Zachiarez on the other hand, wanted to stretch it a bit... maybe torture Jake and tear him piece by piece first ... in front of seela. He smiled devilishly at the thought.

Finding jake's address was the easiest thing. one particular witch was helpful of course...

He chuckled evilly and cracked his knuckles as he entered the house through the front gate...

Meanwhile, Jake slept peacefully in his tired and drunk state... unaware of the danger that was lurking just outside his door.

As he slept, he dreamt of the tides that washed his feet and body as he floated just above it, the fishes by his side and god above him.

And of the beautiful moments..he spent with Seela...

And when their worlds collided... it was as if God himself wanted them to be together, forever as best friends of course.

When Zachiarez entered through the door, he saw a boy with curly hair, and a dimpled smile sleeping peacefully on the couch. His grip tightened on the doorknob as his wolf grew envious by the second.

His wolf took over before he could do the sick things that he wanted to do to the human.

Nizar would have pounced on Jake but got interrupted by a loud ringing, a phone call.

Nizar turned back in frustration and took in Nile's presence.

He mind linked him to pick the call and put it on loudspeaker.. .if this would not be an important call he would kill the damn wolf for interrupting him.

A terrified voice spoke,

"S-S-sir she ha.s..... escaped.she..."

Before Myra could finish her sentence Nizar growled, waking up Jake.. whose face became paler by the second as he saw a wolf and a strange man in his living room.

Nizar mind linked Nile and told him to put Jake in the car trunk... it took everything in him to not kill Jake on the spot but he knew his priorities.

He knew that if he lost his mate now, there was no chance in him being complete, power wise of course.

Jake tried to jump out of the window but in one swift movement, Nile had captured him. And the next moment, he had swiftly thrown him in the trunk.

Next, with a smooth flick of his wrist, he damaged the surveillance, his aura returning back to him. He was a half wizard, half werewolf... Thus his powers.
He had been breeded that way.

Nizar shifted back to Zachiarez and as his clothes were torn when he had suddenly shifted earlier, He decided to take some from Jake's wardrobe.

He couldn't be seen running naked in the human grounds.

As he entered Jake's room, his wolf got furious when it saw photos of seela and Jake together.

There were so many pictures.

In one of them, Seela was making a weird face as she sat on Jake's back...posing as a cowgirl or something. The picture was obviously old because they both looked at least 11.

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