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the neighbourhood - afraid

(i call rk900 nines by the way sorry
('・ω・`) )

you enjoyed it.every bit of it.every bit that nines had to deepened the kiss by putting both of your arms on both of his shoulders."(y/n)!" connor gave nines a quick kiss before answering the confused android. "what's wrong,connor?" you said,innocently. "don't like what you see?" "n-no!" connor got off nines' lap and walked slowly,putting one foot in front of the other until you were in front of could feel his breath on your smiled softly at grabbed his tie fiercely. "well,i'm leaving you connor." you murmured softly. "i never liked you." "I only used you to get to nines,sweetheart." you letted go of his tie. "shall we continue from where we stopped,nines darling?" you said,putting his hand into turned around. "don't ever except me to come back,love." you both turned around and walked into the distance. "(y-y/n)!" connor said,his hand reached out to you,in a attempt to reach you.but you didn't both slowly faded away from connor's perspective.connor slowly sunk to his knees. "(y/n)..."

..."(y/n)!" connor shot up,his hair disheveled,his led bright red,tears running down,resulting from a nightmare.a nightmare where he thought he had lost you,his everything.the one out of three reasons there wasn't a bullet inside his head.he hadshot out of bed. "(y/n)?" he shouted,looking for you. "connor?" he had heard.he ran into the kitchen only to see you,reading a book and drinking some lavender chamomile set down your book and got up. "connor,what's wrong?" you said,concern and worry laced into your voice. "is somethi-" but before you could finish,connor pushed you to the wall and started kissing you passionately.he wrapped his arms around your waist,deepening the both broke out of the kiss,panting set your hand on connor's cheek. "connor what's-" "do you love me?" connor stated firmly. "i don't understand-" "do you love me?" connor stated a little bit more firmly. "yes connor.i love you completely.i could never leave you for someone." you said,softly.suddenly connor wrapped his arms around your waist,bringing you close to his could hear his pump beating slightly fast. "i had a bad dream." he murmured. "what was it about?" you said,careful not to upset the afraid android. "me being afraid to lose you to nines." he said,hugging you broke out of the hug and kissed him on the lips." you smiled softly. "i could never leave you,connor.i love you and you're the only one i love." you said,giving him another kiss. "come and sit down with me.i'll read you a wrinkle of time by madeleine d'engle." you said,sitting down. "okay." connor said,sitting across from picked up the book from where you left off. "it seems i left off on chapter six." you said. "do you mind?" connor smiled sweetly at you. "i don't,as long as you're reading." you rolled your eyes at him. "okay,connor." you said,smiling at him. "chapter six,the happy medium." "again they focused their eyes on the crystal ball.the earth with it's fearful covering of dark shadow swam.."

(yall i'm sorry if this makes you sad,i cant write connor x reader fluff for shit 😫😤😔 also i'm so glad i finally wrote some connor x reader fic!! it's been a long ass time and i need to get back into the swing of doing it ('・ω・`) )

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