Chapter 27 : "Justice for our boobs."

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A/N yes im alive .. shocking ..

Chapter 27 : "Justice for our boobs."


And then Nathan walked in with some Vodka. Or Tequila, who knows.

Well, I guess we're all gonna know soon.

"Well, this is interesting." Aaron says with his famous smirk.

"Tell mom anything about it and I will tell Ellie what you said about seeing her the first time." Nathan faked a smile at Aaron.


Aaron's eyes widened as I said, "Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Aaron replied, not looking at me, but glaring at Nathan.

Nathan winked at Aaron and took a sit.

There isn't much to it really, we all drank. Maybe a little too much.

By the time I started getting tipsy, I was laughing hysterically at a joke I made.

I went, "Why did this guy go to sleep?" and everyone waited for the joke.

When I said, "Because he's sleepy." and started laughing, they took turns throwing pillows at me.

"I'm funny!" I stated.

"Let's play truth or dare." Rose slurred. Guess she's getting drunk already.

"Stop being so cliche." Laurel groaned at Rose.

"Okay, enough drinking everyone." Steve said, being the only one who didn't drink and is completely sober. I'm assuming Aaron is too.

"Do you always have to be a party pooper?" Ethan said to Steve making us laugh.

Everything sounds funny right now.

"Nathan's dimples are so cute y'all." I said, as I stared at Nathan's dimples, out of nowhere.

Nathan kind of just blushed and grinned, causing his dimples to appear even more.

"You're just now realizing that?" Aaron said, rolling his eyes at me as he took his first sip.

I narrowed my eyes at him but before I got to say anything, Steve spoke.

"I said, stop drinking." Steve said, grabbing the bottle from Aaron.

"What problem do you have with us drinking, huh? Party fucking pooper." Ethan asked Steve, grinning to himself.

Party Fucking Pooper. Why is this so funny?

"Because we're not here alone," Steve said and then looked at Nathan, "When will your parents come back?"

The second Nathan's eyes laid on the clock, he started panicking.

"Holy shit, they'll be here in like an hour." Nathan shouted, standing up.

"Oh well." Steve said, smiling sarcastically at each of us.

They'll be here in an hour. And we may have caused a fucking mess in this house that we need to clean up before they're through the door.

There's literally a slice of pizza lying on the floor just dying inside.

I'm so funny.

There's random cards scattered around and cords for our phone chargers, it smells like Vodka in here, and there's many papers thrown around.

Why is there papers, you may ask.

Joey thought we should have a drawing competition and whoever wins it gets to take a dollar from everyone else.

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