Chapter 46 : "Your bed can fit the both of us."

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Songs of the chapter :
REM - Ariana Grande
Beautiful - Bazzi feat. Camila Cabello


Chapter 46 : "Your bed can fit the both of us."


Aaron and I were laughing our asses off, watching Friends. My favorite show.

And then I started tearing up.

"Dude, who cries watching Friends?" Aaron said incredulously and I glanced at him angrily from the corner of my eyes.

"Dude, this proposal always gets to me." I answered, referring to Monica and Chandler's proposal.

"You can never just admit that you're dramatic." Aaron said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And you can never shut up and start a new episode because this one finished."

Aaron rolled his eyes at me, "You're so annoying."

"That's fine with me." I snorted and Aaron shook his head.

"The only thing that automatically makes you win an argument is your face, because it's too cute." Aaron said, making me widen my eyes and blush immensely.

"Stooooop." I whined, covering my face and Aaron chuckled, before leaning in and holding my hands away from my face.

My heartbeat increased, like it usually does around Aaron and I felt the heat rush through his touch.

"You're really really beautiful, like, you're hands down one of the prettiest people I have ever seen." Aaron said, staring at me intensely and I found myself staring back speechlessly.

"Thank you." I murmured, a smile forming on my face.

I gasped a little when Aaron's hand trailed down my arm slowly. His touch is everything, it seems to always fuel fire inside of me.

Aaron sighed and then inched away from me, but still his touch left some warmth.

"You're probably tired, do you want to sleep?" Aaron said, looking away from me and I sighed in disappointment.

I mean, I guess I'm the one who always stopped our kisses, but now that I know how I feel, it's all different. I don't want a relationship, but Aaron is making that so hard.

I can't stop imagining us together, or thinking about how it would be like to kiss him.

"I'd love to get some sleep, but, where shall I sleep?" I frowned.

"Oh, um," Aaron chuckled nervously, "my bed?"

"Oh, I see.." I replied awkwardly.

"Let's just go to my room." Aaron said, standing up before giving me a chance to respond and I followed him tentatively.

Once in Aaron's room, I made my way over to the bed and pulled myself under the duvet. I truly felt sleepy.

"I'll be sleeping on the couch, if you need anything, call me." Aaron said, opening a drawer and then pulled out a blanket.

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