Chapter 6 kidnapped

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Author's P.O.V

Eliza was actimg suspicous but seems like Astrid was the only one who can see it the boys were drooling over her except for hiccup even tho Eliza has been trying to Flirt with hiccup he alway looks away into Astrid.But something is about to happen...

Eliza P.O.V

Argh that Hiccup just wont look at me! he keeps on looking at that stupid blondie girl! but she will be gone soon no one knows that im close friends with Dagur and he talked about Astrid so i decided to do a little plan which would work :)

Hiccup P.O.V

I found it weird that Eliza kept on flirting with me but whenever she did that i just turn around and stare at astrid, Eliza was also giving me the willies but it didn't matter what matter is im with astrid and i will always love her....

Elizs P.O.V

I decided to call dagur and his men to kidnap astrid when she was alone in the forest i heard that she was goimg to train there in the evening so i decided to strike at that time

---Time Skip (evening)---

( still eliza pov)

Dagur and his men was ready soon enough i saw astrid and dagur immediatly suffocated her and she fell unconscious "Well done dagur now for the fun part..." i said eveily...Hiccup you will soon be mine...

Hiccup P.O.V

I went to find astrid at her home bus she wasn't there so i went to the forest to look for her but she was nowhere to be found i started to get worried so i went to the forge and asked gobber "Hey gobber have you seen astrid im starting to get worried.." i asked "oh no hiccup ya know you gotta keep an eye out of tat gurl of yours who knows what happen to her ye?" he said to me i just hopped on toothless and flew around the island but still no sign of her i decided to go to the great hall to ask my dad.

Astrid P.O.V

"oww..." i woke up in a prison cell? how did i get here suddenly someone spoke "well well well looks like the sleeping beauty is awake..." the person said wait a minute i reconise that voice its ELIZA! "Eliza what in the name of thor are u doing!?" i said shouting at her " well you see i want hiccup but your getting in the way so i decided to force him so ye....

Dagur P.O.V

"Ahem Eliza so what now?" i asked her annoyingly "deliver this to berk and make sure hiccup gets it.." she said strictly i immediately asked savage to deliver this to berk  she was really torturing astrid but i dont care i just wanted that night fury in my hands and eliza better keep her words....

Stoick P.O.V

"Cheif CHeif!" somone shouted to me i turned around and saw mulch "what is it mulch?" i asked him "This....Is....For....Hiccup....." he said trying to catch his breath i took the letter from him and read it i was shocked but just in time hiccup barged into the hall and ran to me "hey dad have you seen astrid? im really really worried!" he asked "a... son i think you may wanna read this..."I said handing him the letter.

Hiccup P.O.V

Dad reaction was weird when i entered the great hall he than handed my a letter i took it and read it my eyes widen when i read it....

Dear Hiccup,

                        If your wondering wheres astrid shes here but if you want her back your gonna have to give me your night fury and you will start dating me otherwise i will torture astrid and she will die....

P.S here is something incase you lose her...

It was a lock of astrid's hair i crumpled the paper and threw it "dad we have to save astrid! "i understand son but first were gonna know where she is..." he said oh i just hope nothing happends to her...

Well i think this is the longest chapter i wrote and my fingers are tired ok so interview time

guest is Hicc again i know

hicc:i was bored so thats why i accepted you offer


hicc:oh man im really worried about astrid...

me:dont worry hic she will b-

heather:wait so your not worried about me when you dont see me anymore!?

hicc:whoa whats with the bokd hair!?


heath:dosent matter anyway LET ME GET MY HAIR BACK!!



hicc:ok zo bye!

well im really tired now so nite vikings!

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