Chapter 30 The surprise

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Quick note: i am so so sooooo sorry for not updating these past few months,I was really really REALLY busy I didn't have time but im on break now so ya enjoy the story!

Hiccup's P.O.V.

you can do this hiccup you just walk towards the door and knock it shouldn't be that hard right!? I walked towards the door which is astrid's house n knocked it few moments later a beautiful blonde haired girl with blue eyes opened it "oh hey hiccup,what are you doing here?" "oh just came to visit.." i said strutting "um..ok..come in than" she said letting me in "um..astrid can i ask you something?" "um..sure, what is it?" " are you like ready for marriage and those kind of stuff?" "um..i guess i am, I've been thinking about it and i think im ready" ok hiccup nows your chance.

Astrid's P.O.V

why is he acting so nervous for? is he gonna propose!? "Astrid...ASTRID!" my thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling my name "what? wait whats happening" "astrid listen I've been preparing this for a few months now and..i was wondering" he got down on one knee and held out the most beautiful ring ever "will you marry me and be my beautiful wife for eternity?" I was shocked my mouth was literally wide opened "YES!" i jumped on him and kissed him passionately on the lips...
There ya go the proposal anyways I'll update the moments we live for later right now im tired

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