Chapter 18 She's awake!

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Hiccup's P.O.V

I cant stand seeing astrid like this..i should be the one lying in bed not her..its all my fault..i didn't protects her..i wish this never happend...My thoughts were interrupted by a sweaty snoutlout "whoa what happend to you?" "girl...downstairs...." he said trying to catch his breath, I gave him a confused look until i saw a black haired girl came in she smiled at me but i didn't smile back cus i was too miserable to do that "whos that?" I asked "Hiccup this is heather, heather this is hiccup!" (A/N probbaly knew it was heather XD) "nice to meet you" she said smiling at me I just turned back as usual and never smiled back "hey can you guys go on I wanna be alone.." "umm..alright c'mon guys" fishlegs said and went out of the room with the others, when the door closed i looked at astrid she's really pale but she's still looks beautiful....i stroke her hair gently and kissed her forehead "I love you...Astrid" (A/N awww...) but something suprised me her eyes started blinking open! once her eyes were fully opened she started looking around, once her eyes landed on me she said "h-h-hiccup?" she said tears starting to fall from her eyes "astrid.." i said and immediately hugged her tightly...i cant belive shes back..

short chap i know..and its only hiccup's P.O.V XD and my dog keeps bugging me so i have to continue tomorrow bai now my little dragons!

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