Chapter 15 the rescue part 1

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Hiccup P.O.V

"ok so were gonna go to outcast island cus i bet thats where astrid is" i said to the gang, they all nodded and flew off.

20 minutes later...

finally we reached outcasts island, me and toothless landed and saw a cave, we went to the cave and saw cells probbaly the jail here.As we walked i saw someone there, it was a girl...she had blonde hair cuts on her cheek bleeding wrists and her ankle is bruised the moment she looked up my eyes widen "hiccup..." she said than i saw a tear escape her eye...

Astrid P.O.V

"Hiccup....." i said weakly i was so weak cus of eric's man beating me up every 5 times a week, it hurts alot cause i have never felt this pain before...i felt a tear running down my cheek before i saw someone in front of me.."please hiccup leave...." "no astrid im not leaving without you.." he said in a soft tone "please....i dont want you hurt..." I actually wanted to shout at him to leave but i dont even have the strength but if he dont leave eric is gonna kill him...Than i felt warm arms going around me...Hiccup.. wad hugging me tightly i hugged back of course since i havent seen him in a month and it breaks my heart not seeing him I released thr hug and looked at his emerald green eyes....he looked back....suddenly i felt warm lips pressed against my lips....than my ankle started hurting....soon enough...i blacked out...

sorry of i havent updated for so longgg i was very busy but im free now so i think im gonna start a new hiccstrid book after this book is done but dont worry dosent mean i wont stop writing this book kay? im just starting a new on ok? bye now!

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