Chapter 19 hiccstrid moment

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Astrid's P.O.V

I woke up but still in pain, I looked around the room and realise that im in Hiccup's room...I looked around until my eyes landed on a aumburn hair boy with emerald green eyes..."H-h-hiccup.." i said weakly "astrid.." he said and immediately hugged me tightly " i missed you.."he whispered into my ear, He released the hug and smiled at me "what are you smilimg at?" "oh just smiling at the most beautiful girl in the world...right in front of me" he said laughing a bit " long was I out?" i asked curiously "you were out for a month.." "wow that long.." "yep!" "well you wanna go outside to let everyone your alive and awake beautifully? " "why not?" we walked outside and i was immediately tackled by a familiar blue scaled dragon " stormfly! hey girl!" she must be happy cus she kept licking me "alright alright girl enough!" i said smiling and laughing (astrid was not shouting or scolding stormfly if you thought of that) the moment stormfly stopped everyone started shouting



"welcome back lass!"

i smiled at everyone until someone pullef me into the forest and I knew it was hiccup.

Hiccup's P.O.V

i pulled astrid into the forest with me cus i wanted some alone time with her.

we reached the edge of the cliff and sat down our hands still intertwined together "hey hiccup?" "hm?" "I...I love you" she said looking up at me "I love you too astrid.." i said and leaned down to kiss her lips..oh how i missed this...her soft lips on mine..she released the kiss which I dont want her to but I know we must cus were human and humans need oxygen. (obviously..) we sat there for awhile enjoying the sunset until she spoke again "hiccup..can you promise me one thing?" "sure what is it?" "promise me you will never leave my side and always love me" "I will mi'lady" i said and we continue to watch the beautiful sunset...I hope this never ends

yeeee HICCSTRID MOMENT well i got bored so i decided to update if you guys didn't know im working on another book called "the moments we live for" and its a high school hiccstrid fan fic story and all..and i know i have been making new stories and deleting them and all but this one i promise u i will keep making it ok? ok.

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