Chapter 17-please wake up

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Hiccup's P.O.V

~1month later~ sorry for the skips Hehe..

Astrid still haven't woken up, everyday i would stay by her side tell her whats happening in berk and stuff and the gang was helping out as well fishlegs would come over and feed stormfly cus she seems like she hadn't eaten in days fishlegs would bring meatlug too to keep stormfly company and twins would come and tell her jokes sometimes, Snoutlout would come to clean her axe while I look after her everyday never leaving her side...but than everything changed..the next day..


"HICCUP!" I heard snoutlout shout from outside of astrid's house, i looked out the window and saw him gasping for air "what now snoutlout?" "I....Saw...a wrecked...boat at...thors...beach.."he said still gasping for air "why dont you and the others handle that i need to look after astrid" i said "o..k.." he said running off to the made hall.

Snoutlout's P.O.V

I ran to the made hall and found the others chatting "hey guys!" i said running towards them "whoa what happend to you?" "yea you look like a yak being under the sun for 2 hours" the twins said laughing "that dosent matter, i found a wreck boat at thors beach c'mon!" i said running out of the made hall and getting on hookfang "a...whats a wreck boat?" tuff asked "you guys are getting dumber every second" fishlegs said "well at least were good at something!" tuff stated "ok good at what?" I asked "a...were good at..a....dont pressure me!" he said and we took off.

Fishlegs P.O.V

"there it is!" snoutlout said and landed near the boat,"is anyone even here?" i asked "no idea" snoutlout said looking around "hey guys...i think i found mermaid!" tuff said looking into the wreck boat, I walked towards it and saw a girl there "tuff its not a mermaid its a human" i said annoyingly I than shook her softly "a..hey" i said and she woke up and immediately backed away "hey its ok...were friends.." i said landing her a hand to stand up "d-do you havd any water?" she asked snoutlout suddenly pushed me to the side and gave her a bottle "allow me" he said winking at her, classic snoutlout...classic.."where am I?" the girl asked "this is berk" i said smiling "and who are you?" i asked "my name is..."


CLIFFGHANGER sorry for not updating hehe... but theres gonna be something suspicious about this girl shes actually not friendly but you probblay know her name already and its not the other girl..i forgot her name XDDD but bai now my little dragons! (i'll be updating later)

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