Chapter 7 The Rescue

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Author's P.O.V

It has been weeks since Astrids's dissapearance but hiccup never gave up on finding her but whenever Eliza asks hiccup to accompany her he always walks away worrying about astrid but one day they finally figured it out where she was..

Astrid's P.O.V

Argh its been weeks already and their still not here!? maybe hiccup dosent care for me anymore....i mean its obvious to check outcast island but i have a feeling that im not on outcast island....than i soon heard "Argh that hiccup why cant he just pay attention to me for once!" i knew that voice it was Eliza's "all he does is care about that blondie argh!" she started banging her head on the wall "probbaly he loves me more than you!" i said shouting at her "what did you say!?" she suddenly sounds like sje was gonna kill me "I SAID HE LOVE ME NOT YOU!" i said shouting as loud as i can "THATS IT!" she came over with a bottle and knife and she cutted my writs and it started bleeding she collected some of my blood and hair and she walked away i saw the cut was deep but i had to bare with it...

Hiccup P.O.V

astrid was still missing i kept on worrying about her and whenever Eliza came over i just ignore her but than my dad ran to me and said "son i think i know where astrid might be!" he said "WELL WHERE!?" i shouted "calm down son, anyways we searched all the island around berk but one island we havent looked is-" "outcast island! how can i forget" i said cutting him off "dad im going after astrid n i will bring the gang i said running off to find the gang

Dont worry astrid Im coming.....

Well im just back from school and my fingers are already starting to work back anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter ! (author note will be next chap for some updates i will be telling you.)

lovies-alyssa dragons

p.s sorry no interview T.T

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