They Are Coming

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Monroe and Rosalee sat down with Director Raymond in the back of the Spice Shoppe, discussing their partnership with Nick.

"We're well aware of you're working relationship with Detective Burkhardt, in fact, we're glad for it."

Both Monroe and Rosalee were relieved to hear this, not wanting to be on this wrong end of two organizations run by Grimms.

"So you want us as consults for the Watchers?" asked the Blutbad.

"We would also like to recruit you as advocates for your respective species of Wesen."

"I'm sorry, advocates?" questioned Rosalee, surprised by the offer. "This is starting to sound a little political."

"It's very political," The director sat back in his seat, taking a minute to over the topic of their conversation. "We're trying to ease the tensions between Wesen and Grimms. In order to do that all parties included have to get a say in how things work."

"Then why us? We're not leaders or politicians, we're just trying to help people from getting hurt, " said the apothecary.

"That's exactly why we want you both for the roles, you're both willing to participate in the cause that could keep the peace between our respective species."

Rosalee and Monroe looked at each other and nodded.

"When can we start?"


The next day in the rented house the two Grimms were staying in, Nick was tense in several ways and it showed, he didn't sleep much, he was too distracted to eat, and he kept checking his phone, waiting for a call from his friends saying that they were okay. Veronica came up to him with a maple glazed doughnut, his favorite.

"Here, you need to eat."

"I'm fine."

Veronica began to stare her partner down with a look that was cold enough to freeze the sun, yet searing to the point where it could melt the ice caps, in five seconds Nick caved in and accepted the doughnut and began eating.

"So, Valentina's safe, we've got her in protective custody until this whole thing blows over," said Veronica, trying to bring some ease to Nick.

"Great, so where are we at with finding the Darkspire agents who attacked her?"

Both Nick and Veronica didn't like referring to Darkspire members as Grimms, they didn't like feeling any connection towards them.

"We've got an APB on a blacked out van, and Espinoza said that one of the guys had a prosthetic hand."

"Great, the site where she was being held was an unmarked cabin three hours South from the city. There's no record of it being there and aside from Valentina's abduction, it doesn't seem like it's been used recently."

"Makes me think of what else could be off-the-books with these guys," said Veronica.

"I know I don't like that thought."

Just then Veronica got a call, it was from Forensics and Evidence. When she hung up her face was incredulous.


"We got a report of a missing person."

"Another Wesen?"

"No, a Grimm."


Juliette was sitting in a bar with her friends from college. The veterinarian was lost in thought about her relationship with Nick and how damaged it had become. Her initial plan was to talk to Monroe and Rosalee for insight about how Nick felt, but the two were unavailable. Juliette still didn't feel ready to speak with him yet.

As she continued to go into thought Roni and Kelsey were trying to get their friend's attention.

"Earth to Juliette. Are you still with us?" Teasingly prodded Kelsey.

"Huh yeah, yeah- I've just got a lot on my mind."

"Just give him a call," replied Roni, preferring to be blunt.

"No, I've treated him so badly I just think that giving him some space would be a good idea. In the meantime, I need to figure out how to mend our relationship."

"Well, what happens if he feels like you're silently dumping him while you're 'giving him space'?"

Juliette felt like a barbell was linked to her heart, she didn't think of what would happen if she took too long and gave Nick too much space.

"Relax, Nick isn't just gonna call it quits." soothed Kelsey. "I heard about him a couple of days ago and he was still missing you."

Juliette wasn't sure how she felt about that, on one hand, there was a part of Nick that still loved her-that was still in love with her, but on the other hand, the rest of him was still hurting.


Monroe and Rosalee had just entered the command center of the Portland CILESO headquarters. They were awestruck, they had seen all the things Nick had gotten to see during his tour.

"Nick will be back in about a day or two so feel free to look into whatever interests you."

With that, the Director led them into the archives room.

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