Crossing Point

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Nick had just gotten back from the Watchers, half of their leads were dead ends and he meant that literally. All of the suspected Darkspire associates had been crossed off. When he got back to Monroe's house the Blutbad was watching a football game with Bud. Both greeted the Grimm upon his arrival.

"So, Nick-uh-Monroe says that you're working with an old partner of yours again, " said the Eisbiber, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, and it's nostalgic for me, " responded Nick, typically he wasn't one to share his feelings about certain matters, but this particular topic made him feel something so intense he had to get it off his chest. This entire experience had him going back to the older days, the simpler ones.

Before anyone could ask any more questions, Nick went to his room and went to bed, or at least he tried to; sleeping had not been one of his abilities for a while. The detective, now a special agent, lied awake, thinking about a very sensitive and serious topic. Juliette. He had always surges of self-loathing and grievance, the pressure within his stomach felt like his organs were being crushed by a machine. But this time there was something else, instead of self-loathing and grief there was just confusion; the crushing pressure was still there though. Instead of only thinking of Juliette he was thinking of Veronica too. The history between them was never reached romantic boundaries or sexually intimate but was still built on loyalty and dedication.

Nick felt the connection between them; it wasn't just magnetic it was gravitational. If Nick and Juliette got back together she would have to adjust to Veronica and bringing her into Juliette's life meant bringing the Watchers. Yet abandoning Veronica wasn't an option and it was never going to be. This was all going to be very complicated.


Veronica sat in the bedroom of her new house, she managed to rent it ahead of time before she came to Portland. The Grimm had already unpacked over half of her belongings. She had signed a rent-to-own contract, in a matter of months or years, the house would be hers.

The Huntress was contemplating a very complicated matter: Nick. The reconnection between the two went perfectly, too perfectly. She felt the pull and it was intense to the point where it was terrifying. She felt the pull when they were still officers together, she felt it when she was coupled up with some guy that her friends made her go out with, she felt it when she was single. It was only when she left that the feeling quieted down, but it was never really gone.

She had always resisted, always pushed it aside. However, there was always a part of her that disagreed, that thought it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Veronica exhaled and tried to get some rest.


The next morning Joshua Raymond got into his office at 4 a.m., burying himself in his work. This was typical behavior for him, especially when situations got tense with complications that created both troubles in the legal system and trouble in missions. At that moment an agent that the Director had called in entered. His name was Dorian Maxwell, he was a human operative who had discovered the existence of Wesen after a strike of grave misfortune. He was relatively new to the organization but had served in Afghanistan and had experience as a law enforcement officer.

He was six-foot-two, Caucasian with black hair and dark brown eyes.

"You called for me, sir, " Dorian had gotten used to delivering reports to the Director in person. "Is this about my recent findings on the Kessler-Burkhardt case?"

"Yes," Ever since Marie Kessler arrived in Portland The Watchers had begun focusing on the safety of Nick Burkhardt and those associated with him. "In your report, you said that you found circumstantial evidence tying police captain Sean Renard, the Royal bastard with the heritage as a Zauberbiest, to the organized murder of Marie Kessler."

"That's correct, sir."

"I'd like you to focus on investigating Ms. Kessler's assassination, find the evidence we'll need to arrest Renard for the murder."

Maxwell nodded and went off to do as the Director had just told him.


Nick was standing in the bedroom that he and Juliette had shared before their separation; he was embracing the co-owner from behind. She turned around, tenderly cupped his face, and closed in. The Grimm let himself get lost in the kiss when he pulled away he noticed that he was inside another bedroom, but it wasn't one that he recognized. It was meant for a couple, for lovers. It was comfortable and familiar even though he had never seen it before. He turned back to see that it was no longer Juliette standing there in his arms, in her place was a face that he was both shocked and pleased to see.

It was Veronica.

She fell back landing on the bed, which was made for two, bringing Nick with her and pulled him in for a kiss. He not only accepted this but welcomed it with passion and enthusiasm...

Nick abruptly woke up, blatantly surprised with his subconscious. His heart was racing faster than it ever had before and his body temperature had skyrocketed. The Grimm got up and went to take a cold shower.


Veronica had just gotten out of the shower, she stepped into her bedroom and saw Nick, sitting at the foot of the bed. She smiled and made her way towards the other Grimm, the two engaged in a passionate embrace. Veronica and Nick fell back to the bed, she pinned him down and they continued to with their heated moment. Nick's hands moved from her waist to the belt of her robe and began to untie the loop...

Veronica woke up, groaning at the games of her subconscious. She didn't know what was worse, the fantasy about her best friend that had just occurred or that she had woken up just as things were getting good.

The Huntress groaned into her pillow and got up, at this rate she wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to sleep.

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