It Must Be Done

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Nick and Veronica were going over the kidnapping case they had received earlier, one of their own kind was abducted and the attack of Valentina Espinoza. They were sitting in the kitchen of their safe house, evaluating the cases.

"So the missing Grimm's name is, Sarah Klein. She works with the Chicago PD, no family or relationships. The only known friend she has is her partner, our guys are already speaking to him, " informed Veronica.

"Uh-huh, she was kidnapped in her apartment, the neighbors found the front door open, signs of a struggle." continued Nick. "I'm thinking that she had some secret connections with Wesen informants and it didn't sit well with Darkspire."

Veronica nodded in agreement.

"If the informant was secret someone must've snitched on her, we need to find out who her informant is they'll be in danger as well."

Nick's phone rang, he showed relief when he hung up.

"Valentina's safe and a protective detail is watching her sister."

"Since that problem's been taken care of how are we going to find the perps and get back Klein?"

Gears of thought began to turn in Nick's head and he knew for a fact that Veronica wasn't going to like it.

"Simple, we need bait."

The huntress looked at Nick with a shocked laced death stare that proved he was right about her not liking the idea.


Hank Griffin had just been called to the CILESO Portland base of operations. The detective arrived at the front desk and saw that a man with dark skin standing at six-foot-four, wearing a neatly pressed gray suit and a blonde woman at five-ten in a black pantsuit approaching him.

"Detective Hank Griffin?" asked the man.

He nodded at the two.

"I'm Special Agent Kyla Knights, this is Agent Alaric Goodward." responded the woman. "We understand that you're partners with Detective Nicholas Burkhardt."

"That's right."

"And you're aware of the core parts of the investigation he's helping us with?"

Hank got the feeling that the agents were referring to more than just the case, so he decided to take a chance and tell them the truth.

"Yes, I know everything."

Both agents looked at each other and nodded.

"Right this way please," said Goodward, guiding Hank towards the elevators.

The three of them came to a stop at a door labeled 'Director Joshua Raymond'.

Knights knocked.

"Come in."

All three entered.


Veronica was unrelentingly giving Nick a piercingly scolding glare, Nick was trying his best-and failing-to quell her anger.

"Come on it's a decent plan." Argued Nick.

"'Decent'?" Shoot back, Veronica. "That's a freaking overestimation!"


"It's as risky as Hell, worth bull, and not to mention suicidal!"

"What else are we supposed to do? Whatever lead we've found have gotten us nowhere and Sarah Klein's lifespan is on a clock."

"Then let's get someone else to do it."

Nick shook his head. "No, I'm a more tempting target because of the headless reaper deal. Besides, it's my plan I should be the one to take the risk."

"You're crazy." retorted the female Grimm. "Very, undeniably, stupidly crazy."


Hank had just been briefed on everything the Director wanted him to know; he had also been asked to act as a liaison between CILESO and the Portland Police Bureau.

"Why can't Nick be the liaison? He's the Grimm."

"We'll explain that in due time." answered the Director. "In the meantime, why don't you familiarize yourself with your new colleagues, also you're friends Ms. Calvert and Monroe are in the Archives Room."

Agents Knights and Goodward led Hank out and escorted him to his friends.


The next day Nick and Veronica had gotten back to Portland late in the afternoon. Nick told Director Raymond about the plan and, despite his reluctance, he agreed to let them put it into action.

Veronica spoke very little throughout the plane ride back, she disapproved of the plan and hated Nick's willingness to put his own life at risk. She gave up on trying to talk him out of it after he called the Director.

Her train of thought was broken when a phone rang, it was Nick's.

"Burkhardt," Nick answered without looking at the Caller ID.

"Nick, hi. I heard that you were back in Portland and wanted to check in."


"I've also heard about your plan and wanted to comment on how insane you've become."

Nick accurately shot Veronica an accusing look that she pretended not to notice.

"See you later, Monroe." Nick casually hung up and got into the shotgun seat of Veronica's car.

"Really, if you couldn't talk me out of it what made you think Monroe could?"

"It was either that or chloroform you and toss you in the trunk of my car." responded the female Grimm as she started the car.

Nick decided to keep quiet and not press matters further. This whole situation was going to be Hell without Veronica raging at him, there was no need to poke the bear, the very scary Amazon warrior she-bear.

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