Chapter Ten

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ATLA Book 2.15

It was a bright and sunny day with a few clouds roaming in the sky. I listen to Sokka's footsteps walk up the stairs of the platform, stopping next to where I laid.

"What are you going to do today?" Sokka looked down at me, his loose hair hanging by the sides of his cheeks. I hadn't thought about that.

"I dunno. Do we need any supplies that I could go fetch?" I ask trying to be useful to the group. Katara pops up behind Sokka with Toph who still had her bed head.

"Actually, Toph and I were going to ask you if you wanted to have a girls day out." Katara suggests. My eyes light up with enjoyment.

"I'd love to go!" I squealed. It's been so long since I've done something fun to relax myself and be able to do it with friends. I raise myself from my spot and get on my feet.

"Great, Toph will just get ready and we'll be off." They quickly walked down the stairs leaving Sokka and I alone.

"So, how long do you think that's going to last?" His hands were crossed behind his back and he moved the bottom of his foot outward.

"You wanna meet up later after your girls day out?" I think about it for a second. There's nothing else for us to do here than to sit around in this house and wait for a sign of Appa's appearance. It would be nice to take a whole day to relax and do multiple things.

"Yeah sure, we could maybe eat at a little restaurant somewhere, since you know, you're always hungry." I teased, ruffling his loose hair, and walking past him down the stairs.

"Okay then, let's just meet up at the little pond with the stone archways. Sunset?" He said, swooping his messed up hair into his usual wolf tail. Katara and Toph came out from their room dressed up and ready to go. I opened the doors for them and looked at Sokka who was still at the top of the platform waiting for my response.

"Sunset sounds great. I'll see you then, boomerang." I giggle before closing the door and joining Toph and Katara.

Katara brought us down to a spa named the "Fancy Lady Day Spa". It was exactly what I had envisioned. The walls were colored with tranquil green colors with paintings of roses and lilacs hanged up. The masseurs and employees welcomed us with hospitality. They wore beautiful simple robes and walked gracefully along the wooden floors of the spa, leading us to the chairs where we would be receiving our manicures and pedicures.

"So, you and Sokka are going out later?" Katara questions me while having her feet scrubbed.

"Yeah. I wanna make the most of my time here at Ba Sing Se until we find Appa. Everything's been so stressful lately. It's good for all of us to take a day off." I place my fingertips in a bowl of cool water and wiggle them around. The nail artist worked on my toenails, coating them with a baby pink color.

"Arrrr! Rrrrr! Errrr!" Katara and I focus on the loud grunts coming from our left. Two attendants struggled to keep Toph still while, another lady scraped the dirt off the bottom of her feet. Toph's face turned red, uneasy about someone touching her feet. The attendants weren't having it easy either, that dirt was really stuck onto her foot.

"Toph, can you please try to stay still?" I spoke softly, adjusting myself to my comfortable chair and closing my eyes.

"It's like they're scratching my eyes out!" Toph yelled out in annoyance. Stomping her heel to the floor, Toph sends her nail artist flying out, creating a whole in the wall. Everyone who was left unharmed looked at Toph through the thick clouds of dust.

"Hah, maybe we should do something else..." My voice cracked in the middle of my sentence. I thank my nails artist before Katara pulls me towards the mud bath areas. The rest of our time at the spa was a delight. Toph grew out of her discomfort and enjoyed our little bud bath and steam room. The attendants were kind enough to groom us and help us out with everything despite our mishap earlier. They pampered us, applying hues of purple eyeshadows on us, red-pink lipstick and bright blush on our faces.

"Well, that wasn't so bad. I'm not usually into that stuff, but I actually feel... girly." Toph admitted. It was sweet to see this side her, she was always confident in herself but, this time it was with a touch of femininity. Don't get me wrong, I love her strong personality and the way she isn't afraid of anything but, sometimes I feel like it's a mask to cover the way she actually feels. She doesn't usually want to be all glam and girly because she can't see her appearance and it might make her feel unsure about herself. She would rather be simple and comfortable than always having to worry about her looks and that is completely understandable.

"This girls day out was great, it did wonders for us all." I add on. "Lemme just do something." Standing in front of Toph, I part her bangs and tug them behind her ears. "Now everyone can see how beautiful you are." She looked away bashfully, not knowing how to respond to the great amount of attention she's getting. We continued to walk down a small bridge, passing a group of girls wearing fancy robes while hiding their pale skin under an umbrella.

"Wow, great makeup." The seemingly leader of the group spoke.

"Thanks" A smile broke on Toph's face. The compliments made her feel even better about herself but, that feeling didn't last long.

"For a clown." The fancy girl finished her sentence. She and her friends laughed loudly behind us at the rude remark. Toph's smile faltered, stopping in the middle of the bridge she stays quiet and keeps looking at her feet.

"Don't listen to them, let's just keep walking." Katara grabs Toph's hand and tries pulling her away but, Toph wasn't done listening to what the girls had to say.

"I think she looks cute. Like that time we put that sweater on your pet poodle monkey." Another girl spoke up, mocking Toph.

"Let's go Toph-."

"No, no. That was a good one! 'Like your poodle-monkey' Ha ha! You know what else is a good one?" Toph ended her fake laughing and pounded her well manicured feet against the ground, shooting the girls straight up, making them land into the stream below us. Screeches and whines exited the girl's mouths, upset about their soaked up clothes.

"Now that was funny." Katara smirks at the girls and Swift's her hand in an upwards motion, creating a giant wave. The girls were splashed away down the stream and the only thing left of them were their distant screams. I high-five Katara and look around only to notice that Toph started walking off by herself.

Katara and I quickly jog up to Toph, who hung her head down in disappointment. "Those girls don't know what they're talking about." I assure her.

"It's ok. One of the good things about being blind is I don't have to waste my time worrying about appearances. I don't care what I look like. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. I know who I am." I watch a faint tear trickle down Toph's cheek. My blood boiled knowing the fact that one small inconvenience can ruin someones day. No one deserves to be treated this way.

"That's what I really admire about you, Toph. You're so strong and confident and self assured. And I know it doesn't matter, but... you're really pretty." Katara comforted her. A faint smile appeared on Toph's face .

"I am?" Katara and I look at one another smile.

"Yeah, you are." We say in sync.

"I'd return the compliment, but I have no idea what you look like." Toph continues walking as we all laugh at her joke.

"You know what this calls for, a little lunch date for just the three of us."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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