His Wife

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     My light blue eyes watching the stars dance in the sky. I can't help but wonder if my beloved is looking at them too. Clutching my blue robe around my body shivering, it's chilly here but there..there it must be so much worse. I don't complain about my life here to anyone. I really can't not knowing my boyfriend is over seas fighting for not only his life but everyone's and the lives we lead here.
  " bring him back to me" I whisper with a soft but hoarse voice before going back inside. I've been sick lately nothing I'm not used to really i have had quite a few issues since the fire when I was a teen. Our living room is smaller but if I'm honest that's how I like it.  Homely and cozy not too much. Even so the house, though usually inviting, seems so empty without him. It has been almost four years now and I can still almost hear his voice from the bedroom. The way he used to get so worked up over his video games it always made me feel better to hear him...no matter how angry he got over some questions or boss level. 
       A few tears roll down my cheeks looking around my arm over my chest the silence filling the air like a heavy fog that weighs you down. I should be strong and smile but I'm so afraid at night when he isn't here. Sadly it's not like our dog is any help he is a pomeranian named Jack. The scariest thing Jack does is rip up his toys and puke them back back up in my shoes. I cant help but to let out a giggle through my tears seeing him try to jump onto the couch only to fall over. Locking up the house I am sure to lock every lock on the home three times. Unlock. Lock. Unlock. Lock. Unlock. Lock. I cant tell you why I do this but I seem to feel the need to every night. Like if I don't someone will get in or the house will catch on fire. The sounds of the soft pads of my feet on the hard wood walking down the small hall to the bedroom being followed by the sound of Jack's paws. Walking into the master bedroom you can quite literally feel a difference in the air. My boyfriend loves to sleep in a cold room so it's about ten degrees cooler in here than the rest of the house. While I undress to change into one of his shirts I usually wear to sleep bed I catch a glimpse of the scars on my body. Burn marks, cut scars, surgery scars. My eyes glaring at my own reflection but I can't really help it. I don't see battle scars like he does I see..ugly. Jack curling up next to my legs as I turn off the lamp beside the bed curling into bed covering myself. I hope in the morning he will call..just to know he is okay..to hear his voice again. He has a deep voice one that puts me at ease he could calm the world with a smile or make the world laugh if he wanted..I miss him. Watching the almost orange numbers on the alarm clock change slowly closing my eyes and falling asleep to the sounds of the clock's ticking and Jack's soft snoring.

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