is this....death

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      My eyes open slowly to see a bright beautiful blue sky the birds here seem so much happier than anywhere else. Moving my fingers down I can feel a soft cotton like fabric something isn't right. I passed out in my room where am I? What is this? What's going on? Sitting up quickly the world here seems almost blurry like a memory. It's... a small cabin, the creek and is that? I'm at the farm I used to love going to as child. Standing I can't feel the breeze or the grass but I can feel this light pink flowing gown I'm dressed in.


That's my grandfather's voice. Quickly spinning around to face him wearing his dress blues standing with my father..that's it. I'm dead. This is what happens when you die.


"Yes. Don't worry your not dead. Well..not entirely"

"Don't scare her. You're in the hospital. Bleeding badly."
     I can't help it. I run up to them and hug them both I'm afraid and I don't know what else to do.
"Listen to us this is important"
"Your going to have a hard time people are going to do this. You can't hesitate. Your training and instincts will be what saves you."
"Remember what I told you?"
     I nod and smile at my father his dark greenish gray eyes always made me feel better. We can all hear the nurses now.

"We are loosing her! Sir please I need you to step out of the room"

"Cass you need to go. Please trust your gut. You know more than you think you are stronger than you know."

My tears actually burn as I watch this beautiful place begin to fade away slowly until it all goes black once more.

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