Like the first time.

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      Is that? The black is becoming a dark gray.

    It is. Joshua. Please keep talking. Help me find my way out.

    The gray is getting lighter. Don't go quiet on me. Please. Guide me out of this.
      All of a sudden the gray becomes bright white. I can feel his warmth. His hand is on mine his voice has gone from speaking to humming. He may never know it but he, alone, has guided me out of this. My blue eyes flutter open and his tear stained face is the first sight I see. My love.. it hurts to move but I manage to move enough to caress his cheek with my finger. His deep eyes meeting mine his body instantly jumping into the air holding me in the bed. His warm tears on my skin all I can do is nuzzle into his neck and barely whisper.

"Darling soldier...d-don't let me go"
"Never baby. Not again. You are mine. My girl, my heart, my life do you understand me?"
     I know he is worried I am too. I don't want to leave him. Our story can't end, not like this not on their terms. He doesn't even let me go when the doctor walks in. The doctor kinda looked at him oddly before he looked at my chart. His eyes became sultry then.

"Oh I'm sorry doc.."
   Joshua was a bit embarrassed and I know why he's not really one to show this type of affection in public at all.
"Its alright. Looks like your wife will be in here a few days more. I can have someone bring a cot in for you if you'd like"
    I know I should let him answer but I don't want to be away from him.
  "that would be great. I tend to relax more when he is around."
"I wouldn't doubt that. You've been in a coma for two days. Its only when he started to talk to you  that you started to wake up."
     My eyes instantly move to my beloved's. His eyes have been locked on me this entire time I can't decide whether it reminds me of a lion on the prowl or someone willing and ready to run in front of a bullet for me. Either way it wasn't scary to me. It actually calmed me down. My hand toward him with a pouty look I'd be sorry if his eyes didn't light up when he saw it. His hands gently took mine in them almost as if to tell me it would all be perfectly fine from here on.  I wanted to believe him, I wanted to believe it was over but the warnings still played in my mind.

"Are you alright miss?" The doctor questioned.

I looked up confused and he looked me up and down.

"You seem distracted"

"Im...sorry..." was all I could muster.

I would wait until the doctor left t ok explain everything. It's time he knew.. even ifi dont want him to.

"Now we dis find a lot of poorly healed lacerations in the same spot. Your chart says your mother was abusive so I am not surprised to see them however I was surprised to pull a bullet out."

"A what?! didnt.."
"I'll explain but only when we are alone ok?"

He clearly wasnt happy to hear this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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