Safe And Sound

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I could stay here forever watching him read calmly in my arms. I should start dinner but I don't want to disturb him by moving he looks so peaceful. My man is a 6' strongly built man not afraid of anything. Hell he has so many medals for running into the fire to save men even if it meant getting himself hurt and they weren't his. That's actually how I met him.. he is the soldier that saved my life. Little did I know before then I had been talking with him online for awhile.
His hand I'd gripping my own gently almost as if he doesn't want me to leave his side and if I'm honest I don't want to leave his side either. I can still see his face covered in ash almost like it was yesterday.
I was 16 sitting on the cold concrete of the side walk. You see mom had gotten drunk and fell asleep with a cigarette in her hand but that's not what started it..I had broken up with my ex and in a fit of rage he shoved me on his way out. I fell into the glass coffee table shattering it and knocking a candle into mom's beer the living room bursting into flames and the only thing I could think to do before passing out was to grab my phone.I passed out before I was able to call the cops but I did hit call on the person up on my phone. Sargent Ledrow or armyguy120 on the app. Good thing it had been a video call.. My brother must have been hiding or something because he wasn't near me when I passed out.  I still don't know how I got out because when I came to I was outside with a nurse looking me over.

"Miss? Miss do you know your name?"
"Okay Cass you are very lucky Joshua called us or you would be dead"
"W-Wait.. where is my brother?! Where is Brendon?!"
     It was then that the young man in camo looked at me with his enchanting eyes. He quickly looked at my burning home and without a moments thought sprinted inside. He was in there several minutes before walking out caring my dad's folded flag and my brother. I know I should not have but I ran to him and clung to him.

"Someone get this man medical attention!"
     His voice was do deep and very... familiar like i had heard it before.

"Here little lady I didn't think you'd want to loose this."
   I held my fathers flag crying looking up at the man.

"Thank you"
"You sound familiar"
"Really? I only know one military man but I only know him online"
"Yeah through A gaming app called Pichu"
"What's your username I'm on that app to"
"Wait.... your Cass? Clifford's daughter?"
"Yeah do I know you"
"You should I'm militaryman120"
"No way..."
"yeah... Sorry we had to meet this way"

  That was the start of our relationship.

   "Hey, short stack"
"Baby  you were only reading for 20 minutes"
    We share a giggle before he sits up beside me. His arms over his head stretching he noticed me staring at him with a smile.

"No no tell me"
"Nope not until you tell me about the journal."
" turns out all of my ancestors married either an assassin or worse. Why am I the one to break that?"
    I have to be careful now. He is likely to watch me more carefully to be sure that I am not. What if he finds out and doeant want me...
     He looks at me with those enchanting eyes for maybe a minute before there is a knock on the front door. Breaking me from my thoughts.

"who the hell is that"

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