A collection of imagines of 7 boys.
Cute, angst, sad, happy, fluff ;)
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"Y/n!" "Yeah?" You yelled back, turning down the tv volume. "Yeontan is bored" Taehyung came into the room, a small pout on his face while holding little Yeontan in his arms. "Did he tell you he's bored?" Your left eyebrow quirked up. "Ok fine maybe I'm bored. Can we do something?" He fainted down onto the couch, releasing Yeontan as he jumped into your arms. You giggled, "why don't we take Yeontan for a walk?" "Yeontan doesn't walk to walk" Right then, Yeontan yapped, staring up at you. "I think that's a yes" ~ "Ok, Yeontan ready!" Tae stomped one foot onto the ground, making Yeontan go back a little, and he held his hand to his forehead as if a soldier. You stared at Tae, confused. "Ready?" He repeated, looking down at Yeontan sitting down calmly on the floor, waiting to actually go outside. You crossed your arms, tapping your foot, smirking at a still Tae. "Yeontan, say yes" Tae whispered. You chuckled and took the leash from Taes hands, opening the door, "Cmon Tan" ~ "Tan, look! A friend!" Taehyung gleamed as another owner came by, walking a calm Siberian husky puppy, calm that is, until he saw Yeontan. The two puppies barked at one another, excited or angry, no one could tell. "Awe, wow your dog is so adorable!" You looked up to see a man, probably the same age as Tae, admiring Tan. "So is yours. What's his name?" "His name is Bong. Yours?" "Yeontan" Tae answered. "Well, Yeontans very lucky, he got a beautiful owner" the man flirted, sending you, and you only, a wink. You chuckled taking the compliment light heartedly, and as for Tae, Yeah not so much. "Hm, Cmon Tan, we should be heading home now" Taehyung put his most convincing smile on, waiting for Yeontan to obey. "Me too, see you two later" "Bye" you waved to him before petting Bong. "Let's go Tan." Tae said, trotting alone with Tan as you ambled behind them, smirking to yourself, knowing how petty Tae can be. "Tae?" You called. "Sorry, can't hear you" he yelled. "Yeontannn come here" you cooed and immediately after he came running for you and you embraced Tan in hugs and kisses while Taehyung stood, his arms crossed and his lips dropping in a cute pout. "Are you jealous?" You grinned. "I am not." He snapped. "Oh really?" You stood up, picking up the fallen leash along the way, "Hey, Yeontan, why don't we go find that owner again!" "O-on second thought, ok maybe I was a little jealous" Tae stopped you. "You don't have to be" you frowned. "I know I know" "Don't worry, I liked the dog better than him anyways." You chuckled, and Tae joined in. "You're so cute when you're jealous" you poked his cheek as he cocked his head to the side showing you his infamous puppy dog eyes. You giggled and looked down to Yeontan who coincidentally also had his head tilted - it was just a cute habit of his - and back at Tae, "like father like son."
You entered the living room, but haltered when you awwed internally at the sight infront of you; Taehyung sleeping on the couch, huddling an also dozed off Yeontan. You simpered, "goodnight you two" You pecked taes forehead and stroked Yeontan gently before covering the two with a warm blanket.