A collection of imagines of 7 boys.
Cute, angst, sad, happy, fluff ;)
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"I promise I'll be home by 9" "You seem to make that promise a lot recently" you murmured. You heard an exhausted sigh through the phone, "I'm sorry, okay? There's so much to work on here. If I could just leave and go, I would" Your upper lip quirked in mistrust, "sure. Anyways, I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing" "Y/-" "Bye, Taehyung" you hung up before he could waste his time on you anymore.
It might seem like your behaviour was irrational, selfish and well...petty. But trust me, in that time presently, it wasn't.
A month ago, you bared yet another day with him coming home by 11 pm. When he entered through that door, you woke up from the couch, seeing him spare a look and a 'hey' to you, before treading upstairs. You have him the benefit of the doubt, that he was too tired, and didn't keep a grudge.
About 3 weeks ago, you two had a fight about how he sets times to come home, but never does, so the food turns as cold as a winter nights air. When he came home, shouting grew and the hurtful comments came out. One particularly, "Would you just stop wasting my time!" Your eyebrows scrunched together, "w-what?" His face read regretful realisation and he ran a hand through his hair, "Y/n I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" "No. It's okay," you interrupted, "You're right," you brought your head up to him, "I'll just stop wasting your time" You tutted and just before he was about to take back what he meant, you slipped past him to your room, locking the door signalling he fucked up bad.
And yet the saga continues. Just over a week ago, he came home drunk. Reeking of liquor and soju, he surely had a night to remember. You didn't even have to look twice at him to know he was wasted; dishevelled hair, dopey smile, so unbalanced that you had to keep him by your side till he fell down onto the couch.
"Why the fuck are you drunk Taehyung?!" Your voice was already high in dynamics and he just pouted cutely, obviously unaware of your mood right now. "I dunnooo" "Tell me!" "hmmm" his glistening eyes looked up at you as he thought long and hard, "OH! Jimin said let's go get a drink so we drank and it was gooodd"
You clenched your jaw, "Taehyung, two fucking weeks ago, you told me that I was wasting your time, and now you're going out drinking?" He stood up, demeanour changing completely too, "so?!" "So?! I HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU TAEHYUNG," you snarled, "YOU COME HOME LATE, YOU TELL ME IM WASTING YOUR TIME, AND THEN YOU GO AND FUCKING DRINK, WITHOUT CALLING ME BY THE WAY" "IM A GROWN MAN YOU THINK I CAN'T DO WHAT I WANT?" His voice boomed back at you. "THAT IS NOWHERE NEAR THE POINT TAEHYUNG. THE FACT THAT YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO SAY THAT TO ME TWO WEEKS AGO, AND NOW WASTE YOUR OWN TIME DRINKING?! I CAN'T FUCKING FATHOM YOUR BEHAVIOUR" "COME HOME FROM WORKING LATE," he counted on his fingers, "I APOLOGISE FOR A MISTAKE, COME HOME DRUNK ONE GODDAMN DAY AND YOU'RE ALL OVER ME?!" "I HAVE ALL THE FUCKING RIGHT TO BE MAD AT YOU TAEHYUNG" "A-ah my head" he suddenly held his hand upon his head, face in pain, other arm reaching to the couch behind him as he sat down. An overtaking part of you just wanted to sit beside him, give him whatever he needed, and help him feel better, but the other made you keep your distance, traces of anger still remaining. You crossed your arms, "You're sleeping on the couch tonight" you stated, and walked back up the stairs to your room.
Presently, it had been two days or so since the fight. No full apology was heard from him, as you two were busy, and you mainly tried to avoid him with every second of the day. You woke up next to a cold pillow, ate dinner alone in your room, and went to sleep without his arms wrapped around you, keeping you warm.
The whole fight seemed stupid now, but you only thought this way because you missed him so much. It seemed wrong to prevent any chances of him making things right, but you and your grudge-holding self couldn't help it.
The door sounded and you made that your signal and put your book down on the coffee table, ready to lock yourself in your room till night falls.
"Y/n stop" his smooth deep voice didn't make you hesitate, but you stood still when his hand gripped your wrist gently. "Please"
You blinked a few times, and finally brought yourself to turn to bare his sorrowful, regretful expression. It was dauntingly silent for a few seconds, Taehyung observing you, you observing him like constellations. "I'm sorry" "I know" you gulped.
"No, you don't. Not the extent. You were right. You did have the right to be angry at me. I shouldn't tell you I'm coming home earlier than I actually have, I know you wait up for me and sacrifice your sleep to make sure I come home safe. I should not have ever said you're wasting my time, it was never true and never will be. And finally I should not have come home drunk. I understand completely how betraying and hypocritical that was of me. I just want to make it up to you in any way you tell me to - I'll do anything. Anything you want. Please, I'm so, so sorry Y/n"
You were at a loss for words, comprehending his speech. He glanced down, then back up at you, nervous. "Follow me" Still with you mute, he led you to the living room, took his phone out and played something. A slow, piano song filled the room and he walked back to you, taking your hand.
"H-huh?" "I know the last date we had...or even the last time we spent a day together was way too long ago that I can't even remember," he brought you closer to him so that your chests were now touching, "so maybe a waltz will do?" He grinned and you looked at him, warmed by his proposal.
You nodded softly, and he put his arm on the small of your back and waist, you at his shoulders. Moving back, forward, back with the music playing in the background, you finally in the arms of your boyfriend filled you with relief. You two danced for some time, but it felt like years with him - not something you complained about.
Snaking your hand around his neck, your head leaned upon his chest. "I'm sorry" you said, voice muffled by his shirt. "Hm?" "I'm sorry. I was petty. I shouldn't have avoided you and should've talked to you properly"
He used his index finger, bringing your chin up to face him. "You don't have to apologise. None of this was your fault. I'm sorry, and I promise this will never happen again" You smiled, "let's say we're both sorry, and go back to normal" "Deal" he bopped his head, pulling you in for a hug.
"You know I love you, Y/n." "And you know I love you Taehyung"