Kim Seokjin / Jin

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     :* ✧*: Cute - Broken leg and a baby: *✧・゚:*

     :* ✧*: Cute - Broken leg and a baby: *✧・゚:*

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    "Ok, and you're sure you'll be alright?"
"Yes, of course I will, you don't need to worry about me"
"I know, I know. I just wish I could stay here with you" He pouted and before he could give you his infamous 'puppy face', you lifted yourself off the couch, and put your hands on his broad shoulders.
"There's no need" You comforted, now ushering him out of the house with gentle pushes. "Now, go" and with one final push, his feet were finally past the front door to the hard concrete.
"Okay, okay" He chuckled, "I'll see you later tonight, and maybe I can bring back a pizza"
"That'd be lovely" You smiled.
"Bye, love you" He pecked you on the cheek, then with a larger, warmer smile turned down to look at your growing stomach. 2 months in, and you couldn't be happier with how smooth things were going with this pregnancy - your first pregnancy in fact.
"Love you too" you replied and he finally took off for his days work in the studio.

You closed the door, solitude taking over the unbelievably cluttered house. Although there was a reason for this; since there's going to be a chaotic, bubbly, crying little person in the house soon, Jin had insisted to buy all the necessities for a baby as soon as possible to avoid any mishaps in the future. Ironic, as now there's a need to clean this total disaster.
You huffed, pulling your hair back into a ponytail.
"Alright, this should be fun"

Finally, you had cleaned everything, rewarding yourself by falling down onto the couch, exhausted.
You looked to the right, the kitchen? spotless.
You looked in front, the living room? Speckless.
You glanced up, the ceiling? cobwebs- Wait, cobwebs?
Squinting your eyes, you could make out a small garden of dust and webs, gathered all in one pesky corner of the living room as it was tightly between the piano and the window seat.

Letting out a sigh through your frazzled state of mind, you just couldn't let that cobweb stay there otherwise you wouldn't get a wink of sleep tonight. Plus, it's just a cobweb, what's the most harm it could do?
Heaving yourself up, you went into the kitchen to retrieve your handy step stool. On your way back to the living room, you picked up the duster, and before stepping up, you scouted around for any spiders. When you confirmed that the coast was clear, you stepped up, trying to clean up the mess.

You grunted, finding that the cobweb was higher than you could reach, even with the stool.
Standing right on your tiptoes like a true ballerina, you stretched yourself further, the end of the duster just touching the cobwebs.
But suddenly you lost your balance as your foot slipped over the side, causing you to fall to the floor with a loud thud. The duster fell as well, right out of your reach and you looked up at the ceiling, sighing in defeat. Maybe I should just wait for Jin to help me.

Attempting to get up from the ground, you instead yelped in agony.
Your leg felt like it was on fire (idk I've never broken any bones - somehow lmao) and even with the help of your hands, they hurt like hell. Panicking if the baby was hurt, you took in your surroundings and started to panic more, realising that nobody was in the house and Jin wouldn't be home for another hour or so.
Wait, no, all I need to do is call the ambulance, I don't need to panic. Taking a deep breath, you remembered your phone was luckily in your pocket, so you quickly reached in and dialled the ambulance.


"Oh my god, Y/n!" A distressed voice called, distracting you from your rest..which was followed by 6 other voices. You grinned and before you opened your eyes, you knew exactly who was surrounding you right now.
"Are you okay?!" Jin asked rather loudly, leaning close down over the hospital bed to look at you. As you jumped in fright, Namjoon took notice and pushed Jin back from his chest, "stop, you're scaring her"
"You're scaring me" Yoongi retorted, staring at Jin in confusion with his eyebrows furrowed, lips drooping down in almost disgust. You giggled, feeling heartfelt at how these doofuses can make you feel better in an instant.
"I'm fine. It was just a fall," You reassured, placing your hand on Jins, "and a uh..broken leg?"
"I shouldn't have left you alone," He returned, clasping your hand in his, "This is all my fau-" Jin hesitated, his eyes widening, mouth suddenly agape, "thE BABY." He blurted, making Jungkook fall over from surprise as he wasn't paying full attention, looking around the room. Jimin sniggered, covering his mouth from bursting out in laughs. "Hey, don't give me a broken leg!" a disembodied voice warned before Tae helped him back up.
Jin tutted, shaking his head before turning back to you, "I-Is the baby okay? Tell me they're okay"
"They're fine. Perfectly safe"
"Are you sure?" Hoseok inquired.
"A hundred and one percent. The doctor did a check, don't worry"
Jin exhaled, feeling somewhat more at ease that at least the baby was okay.


"Ok, squeeze me if you're in pain so I know" Jin instructed, putting his arm around your shoulders while yours snaked around his waist.
"Okay" you chuckled, rolling your eyes at Jin's growing overprotection. Ever since you step foot out of that hospital, he has been hovering over you like a moth to a light; always by your side, constantly asking if you're okay or if you needed anything. However, you greatly appreciated it.

He gently lifted you, helping you step up through the door, finally back home. The thought of the cobweb was completely out of your mind as all you wanted to do now was go to sleep. Especially since you couldn't exactly walk around with this thick, annoying cast around your leg.
You didn't need to say anything as Jin immediately led you to the bedroom, the stairs being a little struggle, but nothing he couldn't help you through.

When entering the bedroom, Jin sat you on the bed while he went to find some pyjamas for you to wear. However, you suddenly felt the urge to- um, relieve yourself.
You cleared your throat uncomfortably, leg bobbing up and down, thinking you could just hold it- but you estimated that you wouldn't actually be able to, so you had to tell Jin as there was no way you could go by yourself.

"Uhm, J-Jin?"
"Hm?" he hummed, pulling out a matching set of pyjamas, seemingly proud of himself by his little smirk.
"I uh, kinda need to g-go?" You murmured, fiddling around with your fingers.
"Go where?" He noticed your odd behaviour and lent down on the floor in front of you, "are you alright?"
"I need to go the..the um" you simply pointed to the bathroom, "really bad. And I need your help" you sighed.
At first, Jins eyebrows turned down before one of them arched, along with the corner of his lips. He chuckled, "Is that it? Don't have to be so nervous" he stood up, taking your hand in his and putting his arm around you once again, helping to transport you to the bathroom, "nor do you have to be so embarrassed."
"I know but, I'm sorry, we're gonna have to do this a lot now.."
"Hey," Using his free hand, he lifted your chin, "whatever you need help with I'll be there. We're in this together"
"Thanks, Jin" You smiled, blushing as he gave you a kiss on the lips.

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