A collection of imagines of 7 boys.
Cute, angst, sad, happy, fluff ;)
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How to request: Dm me your chosen member, a fairly brief scenario, the genre and if you want it anonymous or...
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"Pweaseee" you prolonged the word cutely, pouting. "No means no" he repeated. "Why?" "Because I said so" You frowned, "Great one, you should be a lawyer" "Y/n-" he started, irritated and you pouted once again, defending you from his wrath.
"Jin, please, I'll come back home on time, I promise" "I know you will, but it's just you're gong to a crowded place, a party where I'm not with you" he emphasised on the not being with you part. "I'll be fine, you know I will" He sighed, still uncertain, "ok, alright, you can go. Just don't talk to anyone you don't know, and don't come home late or leave your phone on silent" He wagged his finger, "Oh, AND, do NOT drink too much" "Why not?" "Well, one you need to drive home, and two you're such a hassle when you're drunk" "Yah!" He chuckled, "Sorry. It's true though" he shrugged. "Hmph. Thank you though Jin" you hugged him, your arms wrapped around his shoulders and he held your arms.
"Stay safe okay?" "I will" "Promise?" "Promise" you nodded. ~ "WHOOOOOOO" you screamed. "Jesus-" Rosè muttered, jump scared by your sudden volume, even over the booming music. "How much has she had to drink?" Lisa muttered to Rosè, eyeing you in worry as you danced vigorously. "Take a guess" Rosè frowned sarcastically, rolling her eyes when you backhugged Jennie, scaring the living shit out of her.
"JISOO!" Lisa called. "What?" Jisoo giggled again uncontrollably. "Stop taking videos of her!" Lisa warned, walking over to Jisoo holding out her phone, recording you while you were shamefully drunk.
"It's not funny!" "It kind of is" Jisoo snorted. Rosè sighed, taking matters into her own hands.
"Cmon, lets her you home" she held your arm, about to lightly drag you out of the bar when you stood your round, annoyed.
"No! I'm not gwoing anywhere" you slurred. Rosè tusked, "you're a mess, let me take you home" she insisted but to not avail when you suddenly sat cross legged on the ground.
"What are you doing?" Rosè pinched the bridge of her nose. "I don't want to gwo" Taking a deep breath in she pulled out her phone and called the one person she knew would be able to help.
"Hello?" "Jin?" "Rosè? Hey what's up...wait- y/n, is she okay?" Jins suddenly turned frantic. "Yeah, Yeah She's..fine?.." "You don't sound so sure" "Well, it's just that-" Rosè hesitated when she took a peep back at you to see you clutched around Lisa's legs; Lisa struggling to kick you off her her. Rosè turned, back faxing you again to let Lisa deal with you for now. "She had a lot to drink" "Didn't you try and stop her?!" "We did!" "Then why is she drunk?!" "OK MAYBE WE DIDNT KEEP AN EYE ON HER EVERY SECOND BUT ON WE'RE NOT HER MUM" "God.." Jin sighed, shaking his head. "I'll be there as soon as possible" "Please hurry" "I can only try" Jin ended the call, rushing to his car to come and get you. | "Y/N GET BACK HERE!" Jennie yelled, dragging you away from the bar counter, refraining you from taking another drink that would have you bouncing off the walls. You sobbed quietly, never actually letting flow any tears.
Jennie turned you around and you were faced with your boyfriend. Your face immediately lit up, "JINNNNNN!" You held your arms out, hugging Jin, standing on your top toes because of the height difference. "H-hey y/n" he stuttered, seeing Jennie take an exhausted seat on a free bar stool. They all - Rosè and Jennie mainly - looked absolutely drained.
"Y/n?" Jin gazed down at you, "how much have you had to drink?" "1" you held your pointer finger up, giggling. Jin rolled his eyes, "sure. I'm taking you home" "Hmph" you didn't struggle or fight, instead put your self upright to lean your head into jins arm, earning a shocked and annoyed "what?!" From Jennie and Rosè at your sudden calmness only with Jin in 2 seconds.
Jin turned around, chuckling, amused and waved them goodbye before thanking and apologising to them.
"Brrr" You shivered, "it's cold" "Here" Jin took off his rather long leather coat, putting it on you and you felt immediately warmer. "Thanks you" Jin smiled, rolling his eyes playfully. | "I'm tired" you muttered and positioned yourself so your legs stretched across all the way to Jins lap. "Yah, y/n I'm driving" he scolded lightly.
After hearing no response from you he glanced to see you completely knocked out. "Let's just hope you'll stay that way until morning" he joked. | Jin huffed momentarily, picking you up bridal style. You groaned lightly, your head turning sides and your eyes slowly opened.
"Huh?" You gazed up to see Jin holding you. "No put me down!" You demanded, scaring Jin. "Why?" "I'm Y/N IM INDEPENDENT!" You cried, and it was more than clear you were still drunk. Jin sighed, placing you down gently but was quick to grab you before you toppled over the stairs on your patio.
Jin hissed, "jinja" and helped you make your way inside the house.
He guided you all the way upstairs, and you were surprisingly silent. Probably tired jin suspected.
Making it all the way to the bedroom without any incidents, he let you sit down on the side edge of the bed.
"Here, let me take that for you" he indicated at your coat as he helped you slip it off.
You admired Jin, watching his every move and facial expression. "You're so handswome" You booped his nose while smiling widely. "I know" Jin grinned, flipping back his imaginary hair. "No, you're like..SO handsome, and hot, and cute, and" your finger trailed down his chest, "just so sexy" His eyebrows raised at the drop in your tone of voice.
"Y/n-" he started but was interrupted when you pulled him by the collar of his shirt to place your lips on his. He responded quickly, closing his eyes and gripping his hand on your waist while the other stayed on the bed for balance. You were fumbling with his shirt, pulling it upwards but he stopped you.
"You need to sleep" he whispered. You pouted at the loss of contact and he laughed. "Next time" he winked.