A collection of imagines of 7 boys.
Cute, angst, sad, happy, fluff ;)
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"Hoseok, are you fucking serious?!" You cussed as a release from punching something - or someone. "Yes, I'm fucking serious" he repeated from you, yet more in a stern, direct tone. "You just can't listen to me can you?" He muttered, shaking his head like a parent would opening the costly water bill. "I really fail to understand the fact that we're fighting because I visited you at work today" you rubbed your head. "Neither do I. If you listened-" "HOSEOK," You bursted, "YOU CAN NOT TELL ME NOT TO VISIT YOU AT WORK WHEN YOU NEVER GIVE ME A VALID OR IN FACT, ANY REASON FOR IT" "YOU SHOULD'NT NEED A REASON, YOU SHOULD JUST DO AS I SAY" he yelled back, a vein popping in his neck. "EXACTLY! THAT'S WHY I FAIL TO 'LISTEN' BECAUSE YOU WON'T FUCKING TELL ME" "YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?!" "WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING ABOUT EINSTEIN?" "BECAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING DISTRACTION"
A gasp escaped your lips clearly. Just a few seconds ago, there was a man and a woman shouting carelessly at one another, now, it's so silent you can hear the regret and sorrow in the air. Hoseok paced back and forth, running his hands through his tatted hair while you stood there; feeling nothing but a horrible realisation.
"Y/n-" he started, about to apologise, or take back what he said to spare your feelings you don't know because you had already interrupted him with your hurt and hurried state. "No, no don't say anything. I should've listened to you, then this wouldn't have happened." "I-" "No, no I completely understand. I know how frustrating it must be for your girlfriend, who begged for time off from work, to surprise the one she loves at his studio, because she wants to get all the time she can with him because," you paused with a squeak, allowing a little time to compose the tears that forcefully needed to come out, "because..every time he leaves to go on tour, to shoot a music video, to go to an award show, it feels like nothing here." You pointed to the wooden flooring below, "I feel like nothing. And to feel something, I try and grab the limited time with you that I can just barely reach. But, I guess this pushes your buttons so I'll stop. I'll stop caring." You wiped away the many tears on your now moist face. He was absolutely speechless, a few tears slipping from his glistening eyes too. His lips that were usually spread apart, smiling widely like a ray of sunlight, was now positioned low, unstably trembling.
"Y/n.." he called ever so softly, taking a step closer to hold your hand however you stepped back, unwanting of his comfort as of now. "I just..I need some time alone" you stated, heading for the door and out. "Y/n, your coat!" Hoseok yelled after you in care, snatching your fluffy coat off the hook, running to you as you had already crossed the road and was on your way to the park through the foggy, freezing wintery evening.
You immediately turned around by the alarming honk and sound of rough friction of tyres swerving something. And though the sky was black like charcoal, the view of your boyfriend lying in immense pain in the middle of the road, loosing his grip on your jacket, the life slowly fading from his pale face haunted you like nothing ever before.
You felt the air as you shot out of bed quickly, panting as if you were being choked.
"Y/n?" His beautiful voice asked in pure concern. Facing him a tsunami of relief washed over you and you hugged him tighter than ever, causing him to fall back a little by the force.
"You're okay" you whispered. "Of course I am..are you okay?" He pulled back. "I..I don't know" "I woke up because you were screaming so loudly. What happened?" "I..You..we had a fight. And you got r-run over. That's when I woke up. And when I saw you just now, I was so happy. It was just so vivid" you sniffed, recalling the horrid image your mind created. "Hey shhh," he brought you back into his arms, "it's okay, it was just a bad dream. I'm right here." He rocked back and forth slowly, instantly calming you down. "Hoseok" "Hm?" "I love you" "I love you too sweetie." "I'm sorry I woke you up" "Wake me up any time of the day, I don't care because I'll always be here to comfort you." "Thank you.."
Pulling away once again, he smiled lightly at you before using the pad of his thumb to wipe away the tears.
"Come, let's sleep. You need your rest" he whispered, laying back in bed with you. "Hoseok.." "Yeah?" "I don't know if I want to sleep. What if I have that dream again?" "If you do, I'm right here. But trust me, you won't" he tightened his grip on your back, going along to your waist. "God, what would I do without you" He chuckled lightly.
"Goodnight jagi." With the gap closed between you two and a peck on your head, you melted into his touch, falling into a deep sleep.