(9) The Truth Will Keep Us Together

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I woke up to laughing and to my surprise I saw Solange and Owen in the room. I looked down and saw that I had on Owens hoodie while he had on another hoodie. I yawned and smiled at them. Owen had a toothbrush by him and it looked like he had already used it.

They looked over at me and Solange laughed so hard it made me blush in embarrassment. She clapped her hands and then stopped laughing.

"Girl, y'all were so close to actually fucking. Don't think Owen didn't tell me anything cause he told me everything."

"Well now you know."

"My good sis sucked some dick! I heard you sucked the soul out of him." I looked at Owen and bit my lip innocently. He smiled.

"Yeah, she was great. I'd honestly do it again," he said.

"I loved it too."

"Y'all are already feeling each other..." Solange says.

Yep. We are.

🌃 Shopping 🌃

I decided to take Solange shopping because she said she needed new dresses. Of course we brought Owen and he kept his hoodie on. I looked at him and took his hood off for a second.

"Owen, take your hoodie off, it's hot."

"I don't care, I like having it on."

"Why? I don't want you to have a stroke," I said. He laughed and held my hand.

"I won't have a stroke."

"You don't know that."

"Can we go to target?" Solange asked.

"Yeah, we can go. Here I'll give you the money and you can just buy it while me and Owen talk."

"Okay," Solange says. I give her the money and she walks away. I looked at Owen and saw that he was basically in space. I tapped his hand and looked into his eyes.

"Are you okay Owen?" He looked down and shielded himself away from me. I tried to touch him but he wouldn't let me.

"I-I'm fine. I just need some space... I feel nervous that all."

"Why are you nervous babe?"

"I'm nervous because I've never been all romantic in public. It feels weird holding hands and kissing like we're doing."

"It's okay Owen. It's fine to be uncomfortable, I'll back off a bit. I just can't get enough of you though." He blushed and put his hoodie back on.

"Thank you, you made me feel better."

"Anything else you wanna say?"

"Let's go in the car to say stuff, Solange will meet us here."

"Alright, I'm down."

Owen and I walked to her car and both got in. He looked at me before putting his hands in his lap. I looked at him and frowned.

"What's wrong? You're scaring me."

"I'm not who you think I am..."

"What did that mean?"

"I'm- never mind."

"Owen please tell me..."

"Tell me something about you first ."

"What do you want to know?"

"What's your biggest secret... because I was about to tell you mine."

"Is secretly into woman... but my sister doesn't know that. I don't have any secrets... have you met my family? Nothing gets passed them."

"Oh, I guess that is a big secret."

"What were you about to say?"I asked him. I took his hand and suddenly tears were streaming down his face.

"Can I tell you when we get to the house? We're in public and it's gonna make me feel worse."

"Okay, lets wait for Solange." I was a bit frustrated but I didn't show it because it must be something serious.


Solange came back and we drove home. We entered the house and I lead Owen upstairs. He didn't really say anything, he just reacted. I guess he was feeling a certain way at this moment.

"Owen are you ready to talk?"

"Yeah... I'm ready."

"Come sit," I said. He sits on my bed and I get ready for this secret he's about to tell me.

"My real name isn't Owen...it's Onika and I'm a hermaphrodite. People get it mixed up with being transgender but I'm not. I'm a woman pretending to be a man so people can except me for who I am. Sometimes you can see my print and I didn't want people to view me that way. I didn't want to be known as a she/he. I just wanted to tell you... I don't want you to leave me... because I think we have something good going on." I took in everything apparently she said and I got up slowly.

"So you're not a man. Why does everyone call you Owen."

"It was going to be my name if I was a boy. They saw I had a penis and a vagina and said this is definitely a girl. I don't know how but they knew."

"Can you have kids?" She nods and I sigh.

"Thanks for listening... should I go?"

"No! Stay... in just processing it in my mind. I guess I'm going to have to call you Onika now..."

"Do you feel any different about me?"

"No, I still feel the same way."

"You do?!" She jumpers up.

"I do," I said as I kissed her. I could feel her tears starting to wet my face and I pulled away. I wiped her tears before kissing her cheek. How did I not notice this before? "Let down your hair."

She slowly let down her hair. Then she wiped her face a bit and I could see it. This was a woman... that I had sex with and I kissed and am giving my all to.

"I'm still going to be Owen though. I'm not read to give him up yet."

"That's fine with me... I just needed to know some truth behind this. I'm glad I get to meet the real you Onika."

"It sounds weird coming from your lips."

"I know a lot of other things that can cum from my lips," I said. She opened her mouth.

"Are you sure you wanna do this now?"

"Positive." I lock the door before taking my shirt off.

I guess that now that I'm aware I'm messing around with a woman... I don't care. I think I love Owen and Onika... a weird thing to say but it just feels so right at the moment.



So... I had Owen tell Beyonce the truth because of this reason.

1.) Things we're going around about him already

She would've found out the hard way. I didn't want that to happen... so I did it this way. Don't think this is the end of Owen's secrets... he has sooo all secrets. Him being a woman... that's only like 2% of it. These secrets could potentially come back to haunt him but who knows? I'm in control?

What do you think about Owen telling the Truth?

Beyoncé's reaction?

Should Owen be Onika or stick to Being Owen? (Confusing but answer)

Any predictions on next chapter when they go back to school?



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