(20) Failed Plans?

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I walked into the store with Beyoncé and Solange. The atmosphere somewhat calming... it made me feel like I didn't have to run. I smiled as I thought of our decision to do movie night instead of swimming. Beyoncé looked back at me and grabbed my hand as we went through the aisles.

"It's going to be okay Owen," she says to me as she pulls me towards the candy aisles. As soon as she let go, I started looking at the cookies. That was soon interrupted though, she placed her lips on mine and held my waist. I whimpered as she put her hand under my shirt. I don't know what got into her but this felt A-mazing.

"Beyoncé..." I lowly moaned. She smiled and pushed me against the racks. "You better stop before we end up having sex in this store."

She stepped back before biting her lip. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind. You seem to love being inside of me."

"I mean-"

"Y'all stop trying to fuck and come on! I got all of the stuff already..." Beyoncé put her hand on her hip. Solange started to walk away. "Y'all take too damn long."

"We were not trying to fuck," Beyoncé said lowly. My eyes drifted to her ass as she walked away. It took me a moment to peel my eyes away before following her. This really wasn't a time to be feeling this way but damn... how did I manage to make her my girlfriend?


Beyoncé looked at me as Solange was driving back to the house. She had decided to sit in the backseat with me and Solange had warned us not to do anything. I, of course am not going to do anything. I can't say much for Beyoncé though.

"Owen?" Beyoncé called.

"Yes, Bey?"

"Did Onika come out tonight? I feel as if you were a little different than usual back there." I froze. I didn't know if she came out or not... I just simply tried to get think of ways to get my mind off the fact they suggested going swimming.

"No, I-I don't think so," I say. My eyes drifted to the window. Beyoncé held my hand and I sighed. "If anything, I would think she comes out when I'm not in public."

"Oh okay."


It's hard to know who is who. I don't know Onika that well but something seems different about Owen in this very moment. He says she comes out in public but I'm very observant. His demeanor was that of a smaller child. Like he was in a place he never knew before. Even if he was trying to grasp the personality of Owen and keep Onika out... it's all he really knows.

• • •

I found myself in the living area of the space we were in. I got a bunch of blankets for us, knowing it would reach a freezing temperature. I saw Owen in the corner of the room, not knowing what to do. I signaled for him to come to me but he didn't. He still had that far away look in his eyes. I stopped what I was doing.

I went over to him and he took a lot of oxygen through his nose before he looked at me. "Owen... what's wrong?" I asked him. Instead of ignoring me like I assumed, he wrapped his arms around me and cried. I closed my eyes and I put my hand on the back of his head. The feeling of holding him and keeping him safe is all that travels through my mind. "Owen..." he continued to cry as I softly called his name over and over. I wondered if he'd answer me if I called him by his real name... "Onika."

His hold on me loosened and he stepped away from me. He was like a new puppy looking for love. His eyes seemed to look at everything else but me. I waited for him to do something... or should I say her?

He made his way into the bathroom and I swear I wanted to follow him. I got an uneasy feeling when he was alone. I heard the toilet flush and the sink run for a bit before the doorknob locked.

"Bey-" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped.

"What?" I said too quickly for my liking.

"Aren't you going to continue setting the place up for us?" I shook what she said off and I sat on the couch. I can't deal with anything at this time, I'm just worried for Owen and Onika. It's not good for him to keep hiding his true character. I'm afraid he's going to end up breaking soon and if Onika didn't appear today... the day she appears it's going to be hell.

"No, Solange I'm scared for Owen. I just need a second to comprehend everything that's going on right now. I know this trip was supposed to be fun and maybe it will get better... but for Owen, I feel like he's trapped in his thoughts."

"Oh, damn. It's that bad? I'm sorry... we can call this night off. Do you want me to stay to keep you company though?"

"I mean, we probably could still watch he movie. You know, I just don't want Owen to slip away from my grip. I felt like he was getting better in his mind. When I met him, he was this shy, hoodie wearing mysterious boy. Now he's grown into this shy, slightly open person. I hope I'm helping him in a positive way. I see the changes but are the changes good for him?"

"Yes, the changes are good for him. I feel like you two should just enjoy each other's company and have a good talk when you two are ready. I feel like you have a right to be suspicious about your significant other's behavior." Solange puts her hand on my shoulder again. I smile as I looked down at the floor. We heard the shower turn off, when did the shower come on? The door opened and another door closed in the process.

"Should I go talk to him?"

"Let him get dressed first, maybe he'll come out here."

We waited some time, and he never came out. That's when Solange gave me this look to go check on him. My mind filled with negativity but I couldn't help it, I was too scared. I knew he was hurting. I just don't want him to hurt himself.

When I opened the door, Owen was on the bed wearing a bra and boxers. I looked at his face and noticed his hair was down and he had this serious look on his face.

"Owen..." of course he didn't answer me. "Onika." He still didn't answer me but his eyes drifted towards mines.

He motioned for me to come to him. I slowly walked towards the bed. The look in his eyes told me nothing about how he was feeling. Before I could react, he had quickly gotten up and kissed me. So he wasn't mad?


Sorry for any mistakes. It really shouldn't have taken me this long to update this damn book. I really love you guys though! I guess I needed some time away from this book or something. I hope you loved this chapter?

What is going on with Owen?

Is it right for Beyoncé to be worried?

What do y'all think of Solange in this chapter?

Do y'all feel like she's understanding?

Why do you think Owen acting the way he's acting?

Do you feel like he's ignoring Beyoncé on purpose?

Do you think Onika is making her way back into Owen's life?

I'll see you guys in the next update! I love you!!♥️😘


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