Chapter Four: Anticipation

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Nathaniel Greyson had always believed that destiny was something that could be forged by sheer will. He built a lucrative business on this belief and managed to make a name for himself—apart from his father. Up until a few days ago, he believed he was the master of his domain—that is until he met Aaliyah Richards.

With the curve of her full lips and that innocent smile, she stole his heart. The woman managed to bring him to his knees in one afternoon—something many a New York socialite failed to do.

One would think the effect she had on him would send him running but it was just the opposite. He was drawn to her. When he left the bookstore, he quickly dialed his assistant and informed her that he was taking the rest of the afternoon off. The next half hour was spent sitting idle in the back seat of his limo—praying she needed a ride, once the signing was over. When she emerged from the building, it was apparent, she did. Rolling down his window, he put on his charm, and won her over—or so he thought.

When he showed up at her apartment the next day, he was stunned by her rejection. No one had ever turned him down before. He just had to flash his signature smile, and women were more than willing to give it up. Aaliyah made him work for it—he liked that—it made him want her even more.

It took everything inside him to refrain from resorting back to his usual tactics when she finally agreed to go out with him. The sight of her tight frame in that sexy ass black dress was the subject of many a wet dream that followed.

He could have had her that night if he wanted to. She was innocent and didn't know how to conceal her body language. She wanted it—bad. The way she kept her legs crossed and squirmed in her chair whenever her eyes drifted to his lips was evidence of that. He could have had her body, but he wanted more—he wanted her heart.

"Nathaniel, your one o'clock has arrived." The voice of his assistant called over the intercom, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Show them in, please." He sighed, wishing he was with Aaliyah and not stuck in this damn office. The weekend couldn't get here soon enough.

When the door to his office opened and a leggy blond walked in, followed by a group of suits, he breathed an obscenity. Judging by the stern looks on the men's faces; he knew it was going to be another long night.

Taking a seat at his conference table, he fought in vain against images of Aaliyah's tight body pressed under his. He wanted—no, he needed to claim her. If he had to wait another day, it would be the end of him.

 If he had to wait another day, it would be the end of him

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             "I swear if I never see another elliptical bike again, I'll die a happy woman." Aaliyah sighed as she immersed her weary body in the hot bubble bath. Why she let her best friend talk her into an hour work out was beyond her. Resting her head against the cast iron tub, she closed her eyes, and instantly Nathaniel came to mind.

"God, this man is going to be the death of me." She moaned as she let her hands travel down her body. When her slender fingers brushed over her folds, she gasped. "Nathaniel."

Slowly, she opened the folds of her flower and began to stroke. Closing her eyes, she imagined he was there with her.

'I need you so bad, Aaliyah," he confessed, as his full lips pressed against hers. Slowly his tongue taunted and teased hers; diving deep between her lips, until she moaned in pleasure.

As his lips made a flaming trail down her neck, toward the swollen tips of her breast, she pulled him closer.

"Nathaniel, make love to me, please. I can't wait anymore." She confessed, as she arched her back and moaned.

'I'm going to make you feel so damn good, baby." His hand took over the strokes, bringing the pleasure to greater heights.

'You feel it coming, baby?' He whispered in her ear, causing her to groan.

"Y-e-s, baby." She gasped as he filled her insides with his thick middle finger, palming her clit to no end.

"Don't make me cum yet." She whimpered, trying in vain to control her body, but his skill was on a level she'd never been before.

"Oh, god Nathaniel—don't make me......CUM!" she screamed as the fantasy faded into a blistering white light.

Opening her eyes, her breathing slowly steadied as she found herself alone again.

"Nathaniel." She whispered, as the thought of another day without him,almost brought her to tears.

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