Chapter Thirteen: Great Expectations

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"Nothing sells a romance novel like a bad boy." Aaliyah Richards addressed the crowd of fans that packed the aisles of Chaucer Bookstore in Santa Barbara, California. 
  "I should know, I've made a living writing about them." She smiled as the crowd laughed at her attempt at humor. It was the last week of her book tour, and she was amazed at the turnout. Her latest novel seemed to own the number one spot of the New York Times best seller's list, with no signs of slowing down. Joanna was thrilled.
"You know the type." She continued. "Tatted from head to toe. Sultry bedroom eyes and a body that would rival Michelangelo's David." Smiling, the thought of her own bad boy came to mind. He wasn't perfect but he was hers. She couldn't wait to get back to New York.
"But if there's one thing life has taught me, it's that sometimes your bad boy is what you least expected. Sometimes, he can be the straight lace accountant who seems like your total opposite. Or the shy boy next door who always holds the door open for you in Chem class. The point is when it comes to love, keep an open mind. Don't let the fantasy keep you from the best that life has to offer."
As the crowd applauded, and Liya made her way from the podium to the table where a line of fans awaited her, she couldn't help but laugh at the expression of Joanna's face.
"I know what you're gonna say." Liya sat down and accepted the book of one of her fans. "With the rise of young romance novel readers, I feel obligated, to tell the truth."
"Your job is to sell the fantasy, Liya. And you make a damn good living at it. Don't through the baby out with the bathwater." 
"What does that even mean, Joanna?" She laughed as she handed the book back to the young woman.
"You know what it means. Sell the fantasy, let life teach the lesson."
Judging the expression on Joanna's face, Liya knew she wasn't going to win this argument. "Augh! Ok. I'll stay off the soapbox, but only because I love you." She hugged Joanna quickly and continued signing books.
"Thank you." Joanna's eyes warmed as she grabbed her things and started for the door. "I'll meet you back at the hotel. The car will pick you up in two hours."
"What? You're not going to stay with me?" Liya laughed as Joanna surveyed the line that wrapped around the aisles and out the door.
"You got this baby. Mama needs a spa day." Joanna laughed, waving as she walked out the back of the store.

   *****The sight of the black stretched limo as it pulled up to the curb outside the bookstore, was a welcomed one

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The sight of the black stretched limo as it pulled up to the curb outside the bookstore, was a welcomed one. After two hours of meeting, greeting, photos, and autographs, Liya was exhausted.
The slow ride south down the One freeway and its golden coastal views of the Pacific Ocean was nostalgic. The only thing missing from this perfect moment was Nate. Two weeks apart had proven to be a bit of a challenge. The fact that he was held up at the office most days and nights didn't help either. The only upside to this whole ordeal was that she would be going home in a couple of days and could start moving into their new apartment—she couldn't wait.

"Umm, I think you missed the turn." She looked out the window in concerned as she addressed the driver.
"There has been a change of plans. Mrs. Bauer said there was a last-minute dinner invitation."
"Great." Aaliyah sighed as she pushed a button to close the partition and took out her cell phone. When Joanna's personal greeting instantly started to play, Liya knew she was being ghosted—by a fifty-five-year-old woman, no doubt!
"Joanna...I hope you appreciate the fact that I've been sitting in a hard chair all day, singing books. The last thing I need right now is a business dinner." Hanging up, she tossed her phone across the seat and cursed under her breath.
When her phone started to vibrate, she quickly picked it up. "I can't believe you, Joanna..."
"Hey, baby."
The sound of Nate's voice appeased her anger as she smiled and melted into the leather seat.
"Hey." She sighed.
"How was your day?"
"Augh." She rolled her eyes.
"That bad?"
"No. It was good. Joanna just scheduled this last-minute business dinner. I was looking forward to drawing a hot bath and relaxing before we head down to Los Angeles."
"I'm sorry baby, but Joanna isn't the one who scheduled this dinner tonight."
"What?" She looked out the window and noticed the limo pulling up the driveway of a stately mansion. When the doors of the home opened and Nate stepped out, she practically flew out of the car and into his arms.
"How did you?" She breathed as he kissed the top of her head.
"I had to see you." He looked down into her hazel eyes and smiled. "Besides, there's someone I want you to meet."
Pointing in the direction of the house he smiled at a frail brunette; no older than sixteen; standing alone, eagerly grasping Liya's latest book.
"Bella?" She whispered as he nodded and led her to the girl.
As the distance between them closed, Bella threw her arms around Liya; holding her for what seemed an eternity, with an intensity that rivaled one of Nate's hugs. When she finally pulled away, and Liya saw the tears in her eyes, she was humbled.
"Ms. Richards. I have always wanted to meet you." Her dainty voice trailed off as she clung to the book again.
"Please, Bella...." Liya wrapped her arms around her again. "Call me Liya."
"Liya!" She breathed on the verge of hysteria.
"So, I see you have my latest book?"
"I LOVED it!"
"She's read it twice already," Nate confessed.
"Three times." Bella smiled shyly.
"Oh, I am humbled—truly."
Running her fingers across the bind of the book, Liya smiled. "I don't suppose you want me to sign it?"
The expression that illuminated Bella's face spoke volumes.
"I take that as a yes." Liya laughed as she took the book from her; signing her name and a greeting that came from her heart.
As Bella ran off to tell her mother the big news—that her favorite person in the whole wide world besides uncle Nate, was staying for dinner—Liya couldn't help but smile.
"SOOO," Nate wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her steady with those blue eyes. "My sister has made this amazing dinner and Bella would love to pick your brain. I hope you don't mind giving up one night?"
"For you...." She breathed and placed a slow kiss on his full lips. "I would do anything."


Dinner was magnificent. Caroline's culinary skills rivaled that of a top chef in one of New York's best restaurants. While Liya spent most of the meal answering Bella's questions, she managed to watch Caroline and Nate from across the table. They were close; that was obvious, but she couldn't help but notice, when he was with his sister and niece, he seemed relaxed—like he hadn't a care in the world. She liked this side of him.

Smiling from across the table, Nate held her gaze and intervened in her favor. "Bella, help me with dessert?" He rose and started collecting the dishes.

"But, I..."

"Come on Bella. You've had Liya's attention the whole night. Go help your uncle." Caroline winked at Liya.

As the girl reluctantly joined Nate, Caroline and Liya couldn't help but laugh.

"You have to excuse my daughter. She is a talker. Once she gets going it's hard to stop."

"It's ok. I don't mind. She's very mature for her age. She had some valid points. I have to take them into consideration when I write my next book."

"Wow. She will be thrilled to hear that." Caroline smiled and paused. "You and my brother seem very happy together."

"We are," Liya smiled shyly.

"Good." Caroline hesitated. "Can I ask you something, Liya?"

"Sure," She smiled nervously.

"My brother told me about the night you met our father. I know it must not have been easy for you. My father and Patrice can be a little, intrusive, at times but they mean well."

Liya sat silently, heeding her mother's lesson about kind words and when you're unable to use them.

"My brother's life is complicated, to say the least." She paused. "You seem like a very nice girl. So, I feel obligated to say this."

Liya squirmed in her seat, bracing herself for the 'but' that was to follow.

"But any woman who stands by my brother's side will be scrutinized—unfairly; by the press, his social circles, and business associates. Are you prepared for this? Because I'd rather you leave now before you realize it's not the life you want, and end up breaking his heart."


The drive back to the hotel was silent. Liya's mind kept replaying Caroline's words. 'I'd rather you leave now before you realize it's not the life you want, and end up breaking his heart.'

She knew they came from two different worlds, and at times his lifestyle scared her. It wasn't the wealth but what seemed to be expected of her—endless parades of social engagements, like the night of his parent's dinner party—she never felt more out of place in her life. When it was just the two of them, she felt at ease; at home, but it wouldn't be just the two of them. Being a part of his life meant being a part of his family, and their disapproval of her was obvious.

She kept telling herself, for Nate, she could endure anything, but could she? Could she live the rest of her life knowing that his family only saw her as a misfortunate stain on their pristine table cloth?

"Thank you for tonight." He smiled sheepishly as he brought her out of her thoughts.

"Mmm. For what?" She forced a smile.

"For tonight. It was perfect. Bella and my sister loved you."

"They did?" She whispered.

Looking at her, his brow creased. "Yes. Why wouldn't they? You're an important part of my life Liya. I want to share you with my family."

Resting her head on his chest, she curled her legs in the seat and listened to his heartbeat—pretending that for one moment he was right—their love for each other would be accepted and praised.

"I can't wait until you get back to New York; to have you move in with me." He confessed. "It's taken every ounce of strength not to hire a moving company to pack your things so I can take you straight from the airport to our new home."

"You do that, and I'll kill you."

"I know. I know. Ms. Independent." He teased as he kissed the top of her curly head.

"I have a lot of things I need to go through; things I plan on getting rid of." She looked off into the distance, desperately trying to persuade herself everything would be alright; That their love was enough. 

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