Chapter Nine: Dark Desires

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Raegan Finn Harper was accustomed to the procession of women that seemed to parade in and out of Nathaniel's life. It never bothered her. He was a man. He had dark desires, like all men, but she always believed he would come to his senses and realize that the woman he truly loved...was her.

Loyal to a fault; a genuine companion, Raegan loved Nathaniel more than he deserved.

When she first spotted Aaliyah at Patrice's dinner party, she laughed. It was obvious the girl was out of her league.

Nathaniel's interest in her was sexual, plain and simple, but when he made a scene defending her in front of all his father's friends, she had to rethink her strategy.

When he showed up at her apartment, drunk out of his mind due to the fact that they had had an argument, she found herself in a panic.

Nathaniel—her Nathaniel, the boy she dreamed about as a child; the man she hoped would one day be the father of her children, was in love with another woman.

Pacing the floor of her apartment, she sighed in relief at the sound of her doorbell. If she were going to handle this situation, she needed back up, and only one woman came to mine.

"Patrice, thank you for coming on such short notice." She forced a smile, trying to downplay her desperation.

"Don't be silly darling, anything for you."

Glancing around the apartment, she smiled. "Where is he?"

"With her, I imagine." Raegan plopped on the couch and wrapped her arms around her waist. She tried calling Nate several times this morning but no answer. God only knows what they were doing.

"Don't let this get you all worked up Raegan. It's just another fling, like the rest of them. Give it time and he will grow bored with her and move on."

"I don't think so, Patrice. Did you see the way he defended her the other night? He looked like he wanted to kill Diana."

"Raegan," Patrice put on her warmest smile and placed her hands on her shoulders. "Nathaniel and you belong together. This thing with Aaliyah is just a phase. Believe me."

"You're right." Raegan sighed a breath of relief and smiled.

"However, if I'm wrong and he does have feelings for this girl...are you willing to take things to the next level?"

"W-what are you talking about, Patrice?"

"Look, Raegan," she sighed as she placed her clutch on the coffee table and took a seat next to her.

"Nathaniel is a man with needs. I know the two of you have a platonic relationship built on friendship and trust, but it wouldn't hurt if you...PUT yourself out there. Give him a reason to think twice about your relationship."

"Sex? Is that what you think will win him over?" Raegan laughed. "I hate to disappoint you Patrice, but we've had sex! Several times! He was my first."

The look of disbelief on Patrice's face caused Raegan to panic even more.

"If I'm going to win him over, it's going to take more than sex. You better have a plan Patrice or Aaliyah Richards just may become your new daughter-in-law!"


"Bastard!" Patrice groaned in the back seat of the limo, her mind replaying the confession of that silly girl.

The only reason she put up with her and agreed to play matchmaker, was because she knew Raegan was no threat. Nathaniel saw her as a little sister, nothing more. If he married her, it would be out of obligation.

Raegan would be the perfect doting wife, unaware that Patrice was keeping Nathaniel satisfied, in her bed. It wasn't something she was proud of but when Nathaniel pursued her, she couldn't resist.

Their love affair began after Thaedyn announced their engagement, and only recently ended. Patrice knew the only reason Nathaniel bedded her was to get back at his father. God knows Thaedyn showed no restraint when it came to the few girls his son was naïve enough to bring home.

Patrice didn't care. Nathaniel was using her, true; but she loved every damn minute of it. She did until Aaliyah came into the picture.

"If Raegan is too damn weak to put an end to this, then I will." She cursed as she took her phone out of her clutch and called in a favor from an old friend. 

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