Chapter Twenty-One: Gifts of Persuasion

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"So, I take this is your way of apologizing for being such a bitch at the gala?" Kaitlyn teased as she picked up the menu and proceeded to order the most expensive item on the list.

"I wasn't being a bitch—a little paranoid—but certainly not a bitch." Liya laughed as she chose the same entrée as her best friend.

"Look at you." Kaitlyn beamed as she watched her from across the table.


"Ordering a twenty-dollar entrée without blinking. Mr. Greyson is rubbing off on you. It must be nice."

"Look who's talking. When was the last time you had to worry about money? No, let me rephrase that... have you ever had to worry about money?"

"I can't help it if my parents are loaded."

"Exactly. I can't help it if my boyfriend insists on giving me a palladium Visa card." She discreetly took the gold card out of her purse and showed Kaitlyn.

"Shit! These things don't have a spending limit." Kaitlyn grabbed the card from her and stared at it lustfully. "Do you know the damage we could do with this thing?"

"We won't be breaking the bank today, girlfriend." Liya retrieved the card and placed it securely in her wallet.

"Damn. You must be putting it on him like what!"

"Shut up stupid. Just be happy I'm taking you to lunch. This is the first time I've ever used it. And I don't plan on using it too often."

"You have the will power of a saint. I swear."

Laughing, Liya's thoughts went to Nate. "Can I ask you something."

"Sure. Anything?"

"Has Ryan told you everything about his past?"

"NO! He knows better. If I knew everything about that man, I'd probably kill him."

"I'm not just talking about the people he used to date. I mean his childhood; his family."

"Oh, yeah. It's pretty bland, really. The third child in a midwestern family from Minnesota. I mean can't get any more boring than that."

"Poor Ryan," Liya laughed at her friend's candor.

"It's the truth. My baby's as vanilla as they come. Thank god he's adventurous in bed or else we wouldn't have made it."

"Ok, Kat. A little too much info there. Please, stop."

"Why you ask?" Kaitlyn laughed and took a sip of water.

Inhaling, Liya decided to confide in her friend. "I don't know. It's just hard getting Nate to open up about his past. I know a few things but it's like he has this wall up and he won't let me inside."

"You told me he had a troubled childhood, right?"

"Yeah, so. My childhood wasn't a walk in the park either."

"Yeah, but you had a loving mother, Liya. From what I hear, Nate and his father aren't really close. Maybe it's just too painful for him right now. Just give him time. One day he'll trust you."

"Kat. I'm walking around with a credit card with no freaking limit. I'd say the man trusts me."

"He trusts you with his money, Liya. His heart is another matter."

Kaitlyn's words hurt—mostly because of the truth behind them. Nate's refusal to share his past was evidence that he didn't trust her.

"So, I saw Jason all up in your face at the gala last night. What did that fool want?" Kaitlyn teased as she took a spoonful of roasted butternut squash and sausage.

"Oh. The usual. How I'm making a big mistake being with Nate. That he had to warn me; Nate is not who he says he is."

"That fool! Please tell me you didn't buy any of his bullshit."

"Please." She rolled her eyes. "He actually wanted me to call him so we could meet up."

"Meet up and what? He just can't handle that someone else is hitting that. Don't give him the time of day Liya."

"Trust me. Jason Daniels is a thing of the past. I have no intention of ever seeing that man again."


When the chime to Westminster started to play, alerting Liya that there was someone at the front door, she assumed it was Kaitlyn returning because she'd forgotten something, but when she opened the door and found herself face to face with Thaedyn Greyson, she was speechless.

"Ms. Richards, would you please be kind enough to let me in? I promise I come in peace." He smiled but his eyes did not.

"I'm sorry. Of course." She stepped into the foyer and opened the security door. "Please, come in."

As he entered the foyer and made his way into the great room, she could have sworn she caught the scent of alcohol on him. Watching him as he audited their new home, the obvious look of distaste in his expression, she tried to steady his nerves.

"So, this is why my son sold his grandfather's property?"

As his glance turned from the decor to her, she paused.

"Can I get you something? Water?" Anything to get the attention off her.

"No. I won't be here long."

The silence that followed left Aaliyah wondering if she missed something.

"Oh, please sit down." She led him into the living room, making sure to leave plenty of room between the two of them as they sat on the massive sofa.

"Let me be blunt, Ms. Richards... as I'm sure my son has informed you; I was not thrilled when I learned that he sold the home my father left him. That home has been in our family for generations. I assume he sold it to make you more comfortable. As much as this disappoints me, I wanted you to know that I don't blame you. Nathaniel is a grown man. No doubt, his actions were retaliation for the fact that I tried to sell the beach house."

Liya sat silently, in fear that even the slightest breath would incur his wrath. Judging by the standoff he and Nate had the night of the dinner party, she could tell his temper matched Nate's, if not exceeding it.

"Mr. Greyson, ..."

"Please, allow me to finish." He gave her a look that silenced her. "Now that you seem to be an invariable force in my son's life, I feel obligated to offer a white flag, so to speak. This rift between my son and his family has gone on for far too long, and I wish to mend it."

"I would like that." She let down her guard. "I know Nate would like that as well."

Smiling, his cold eyes pierced her like a jagged knife.

"I'm afraid my wife and I haven't given you the benefit of the doubt. As you can understand there have been many women in our son's life whose only goal was to gain access to his wealth. You are different."

"Thank you for saying that Mr. Greyson..."

"Please, Liya. Call me Thaedyn." The gleam in his eyes, as he rested his hand on her knee set off every one of her red flags.

"I would love to have you and my son over for dinner again. Just the four of us."

"I don't see why not but I have to speak with Nate first."

He moved closer.

"Perhaps you could use your gifts of persuasion to convince him." His eyes raked over her body, causing her to leap to her feet and make her way to the door.

"I will try my best." She opened the front door and waited for him to catch on to her hint. "Now, if you don't mind, I have work to get back to."

Smiling, Thaedyn slowly stalked the span of the living room, like a stoic predator intent on returning for the kill.

"You do that Ms. Richards."  

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