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"What did you do Kat?" Aaliyah panicked as she made her way out of the club—unable to take her eyes off the photo her best friend posted on Instagram, over three hours ago.

"It was just a joke Liya, relax."

"Relax?! Do you know what this looks like?"

"Yes! It looks like you are having a good time instead of sitting at home waiting for him. He needs to know that you are a hot commodity. If he wants you, he needs to show it."

"You better pray Nathaniel hasn't seen this."

"Or what?" Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. "God, Liya! Lighten up!"

"That's easy for you to say. You have a man!" Aaliyah motioned to Ryan, who's wondering eyes were locked onto the ass of some groupie wearing short shorts.

"Ryan!" Kaitlyn grabbed his chin with her candy red claws and gave him a look that put him in check.

"Trust me Liya." She turned her attention back to her friend. "Nathaniel is like every man. They like it easy. They don't want to put in the effort—Only, he's worse. With his money and good looks, he's used to women chasing him. Turn the tables on his ass. Teach him that you're worth it." Kaitlyn winked at Aaliyah as she gave Ryan the evil eye, and they made their way back into the club.

"Why do things have to be so damn complicated?" Aaliyah sighed as she ran her hands through her straightened hair. Why couldn't love come as easy as it did in her stories? She knew what she wanted, and she believed it was the same thing Nathaniel wanted, so what was the problem?

"Damn Kaitlyn," Aaliyah groaned as she dialed Nathaniel's number and it went straight to voicemail. No doubt he'd seen the picture and was angry. Who could blame him? God, she was such an idiot. Nathaniel wasn't playing games with her. He had a legitimate reason for his actions. She was the selfish one.

Hailing a taxi, she hopped in the backseat and dialed Nathaniel again.

"Hey Nathaniel," She cleared her throat as she decided to leave a message. She must have looked desperate, but she didn't care. She couldn't leave things the way they were.

"I uh... I really need to talk to you—explain things. Please call me as soon as you get this."

"Where to ma'am?" the driver's eyes peered at her from the rearview mirror.

"Oh, uh...just drive." Aaliyah wrapped her arms around herself and watched the rain begin to fall.


"Ma'am?" a voice called, waking Liya from her slumber. Taking a moment to register her surroundings, she turned her attention to the driver.

"Do you want me to keep driving?" he asked as he watched from the rear-view mirror.

Glancing at her watch, she gasped. "Shit. I'm sorry."

Looking out the window and at the money in her wallet, she figured her best option was to take the train the rest of the way home.

"Just drop me off here."

As the chill in the winter air turned the rain into snowflakes, her mind drifted off to Nathaniel, and the possibility that their relationship was over before it had begun.

'Maybe it's for the best,' she tried to convince herself as she watched the city lights streak by the train window.

They were too different to make any sense. He came from a world of wealth and privilege, while she...

Brushing the tears from her cheek, she struggled to contain her emotions. She was being foolish; letting the loss of a man she barely knew get to her? She was a grown woman. This wasn't the first time love disappointed her. And it wouldn't be the last.

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