Ex's and Next's

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After two hours of movies and an unforgettable make-out session, Liya was utterly satisfied. This was, hands down, the best birthday ever.

As she pulled herself away from Nate's arms and started to put on another movie, he stopped her.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you hungry?"

"I figured we'd just order in."

"Ok, but I thought we could go get something—bring it back. We can't spend the whole night on the couch."

"Maybe you can't." She pulled at his collar and planted a kiss on his full lips.

"Come on baby. I promise we'll come back and finish every one of these wonderful movies. Let's just walk down the block. Kaitlyn said there's a Chinese restaurant you like. We can get whatever you want."

Pouting her lip, she conceded in laughter. "I guess you deserve it. Two hours of Meg Ryan movies is a bit much, even for Nathaniel Lord."

"Thank you." He smiled in relief as she grabbed her keys and they headed out the door.

"Let's take the stairs," She insisted as he reached for the elevator button. She didn't want to risk running into Kaitlyn or Ryan. Knowing those two, they would weasel their way into her apartment and end up ruining her night.

Making their way to the streets, Aaliyah smiled as Nate wrapped his strong hand around hers. He hadn't realized it but with that one little act, he erased years of self-doubt. With that one act he was letting the whole world know that she was accepted—she was his woman.

Reaching the restaurant sooner that she hopped, Nate released her hand and studied the menu. Glancing over her shoulder, she scanned the place, praying they wouldn't run into anyone she knew. It wasn't that she was ashamed to be with him, she just didn't want to have to explain their relationship, and honestly, she didn't feel like sharing him with anyone—not today. It was selfish, she knew it but hell, it was her birthday. She had a right to be.

Smiling, she let herself relax and enjoy the moment until the front door chimed with the sound of bells and that of a familiar voice.

"Aaliyah?" The deep voice called and she winced in recognition of the tone.

"Jason!" She turned and put on the prettiest plastic smile

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"Jason!" She turned and put on the prettiest plastic smile.

"Little Aaliyah Richards." He gloated as he turned his attention to the leggy brunette clinging to his arms. "Aaliyah and I used to date in college."

"That was a long time ago, Jason." Aaliyah laughed nervously as his girlfriend took inventory of her. Judging by the look on her face, she was not impressed.

"So, I hear your writing took off. Congratulations." Jason continued to wear out his welcome.

"You live in the city now?"

"Yeah. I just landed a killer job with Alston & Finch."

"You're a lawyer?" She laughed; his choice of occupation fit him—a shark.

"So, are you here alone?" The glint of joy in his eye was obvious. No doubt he assumed she was alone. God forbid the thought ever enter his mind that she could have actually moved on with her life.

Before she got a chance to answer Nate turned around and smiled. "Actually, She's with me."

The look on Jason's face was expected, but the expression his girlfriend gave when she took in the full breadth of Nathaniel Lord, in all his beauty, was retribution.

"Hi, I'm Nate. Aaliyah's boyfriend." He extended his hand in greeting, proving to everyone present that he was the better man—hands down.

"Jason." Her ex shook Nate's hand reluctantly.

As the brunette cleared her throat, hinting for an introduction, Jason ignored her. "Isn't  your father Thaedyn Lord?"

Forcing a smile, Nate replied. "Yes. Why?"

The gasp that escaped the brunette's lips as she let go of Jason's arm and placed her hand on her heart caused Aaliyah to suddenly lose her appetite. No doubt she was aware of his reputation—the look of lust in her eyes as she bit her lip made it more than obvious.

"Our firm does business with your father—that's all." Jason gave a wide smile like he knew more than he was telling.

"Is that right?" Nate crossed his arms as the two men stared each other down in a silent game of 'Whose is bigger.'

After what seemed an eternity of uncomfortable silence, Jason conceded.

"Well, it was good seeing you again Liya, and Happy Birthday, by the way." He locked eyes with her, causing Nate to pull her closer.

Taking her place at the counter, she could feel the weight of Jason's stare as Nate ordered their entrées. Judging by the tension emanating from Nate, he was aware of it too.

Reaching for her hand, he grabbed their order and led her out of the restaurant without saying a word to Jason and his date. She could tell Nate was pissed. She just hoped he wasn't mad at her. The last thing she wanted to deal with on her birthday was his temper.

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