Chapter Twelve: Christening

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The look on Aaliyah’s face, when Joanna announced that the publisher wanted her to go on a two week book tour, must have been alarming because the first words out of Joanna’s mouth were, “Don’t look so glum honey. They’re gonna pay you a boat load of money, put you up in the best hotels, and you finally get to go to California, like you always wanted.”
“That’s great.” Aaliyah forced a smile as the thought of being away from Nate that long filled her heart with sorrow. She knew she was being melodramatic. They would be alright. They handled the long-distance thing before. No big deal.
“You sure you’re ok with it? I know you have a boyfriend now, and...”
“It’s fine, Joanna. Nathaniel will understand.”
“Good, now let’s order. I’m starving!” Joanna smiled as she waved down a waiter.
Looking at her watch, Liya wondered if she should call him. ‘No, wait until tonight.’ She told herself and smiled at the waiter as he handed her a menu.
“Speaking of your young man. When am I going to get to meet him?” Joanna looked up from her brass rimmed glasses with a sheepish grin.
“Soon, soon. My mom will be coming to town not soon after I get back from the book tour. We’ll all have dinner together.”
“Well, can I at least know the young man’s last name.”
“Why? So you can run a background check on him?” Liya laughed nervously, not sure that she was ready to reveal Nate’s past to the parental authorities in her life—her mom, Joanna.
“Would I do that?” Joanna played dumb. She knew damn well that was the first thing she intended to do.
“Yes, you would!” They laughed in unison.
“Seriously, Liya your mother and I couldn’t be happier for you. Whoever this guy is, he’s definitely good for you. It shows.”
“Thanks, Joanna. Now, can we order lunch before you make me start crying?” Liya fanned her eyes with her menu and fought back the tears. She was happy and Nathaniel Lord was the reason.

Standing outside the café, where she and Joanna just had lunch, Liya was about to hail a cab when she got a cryptic text from Nate.

Nate: Where are you?
Liya: Sant Ambroeus Ristorante. Why?
Nate: Are you free for the rest of the afternoon?
Liya: Yes. You still haven’t answered my question.
Nate: I’m sending a car to come get you.
Liya: Okay.

Aaliyah sighed. Why couldn’t he just tell her what this was all about? He knew she hated surprises. Deciding to be generous, she made her way back inside the café and ordered him a box of their finest pastries. When she exited the building, she was surprised to see that the limo was waiting.
“I’m sorry, William. I didn’t realize you’d be here so soon.”
“No problem, ma’am.” He smiled and opened the door for her.
“Do you have any idea what all this is about?” She tried to get some information from him although she knew he was loyal to Nate and wouldn’t tell her if he did know.
“All I know is that Mr. Lord said it was urgent and that your input was of the utmost importance.”
Closing the door behind her, William hopped into the front and eased into mid-day traffic. Before she had a chance to question him further, he closed the partition and she was left wondering.

When the limo slowed to a halt and William opened the door, Liya was about to interrogate him until she saw Nate, standing in front a massive brick building, wearing tight weathered jeans, a white t-shirt, and a chocolate leather jacket that barely contained his muscles.
“Hey,” was all she was able to breathe. He looked good—really good. And when he pulled her into a slow kiss, she lost her mind.
“Are you ready for your surprise?” He smiled and she nodded, gone was the resistance from earlier. Taking her hand, he led her inside the massive steel door of the town home.

When they got inside, all she could do was stare—mouth opened and in total disbelief

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When they got inside, all she could do was stare—mouth opened and in total disbelief. This had to be the most beautiful townhome she’d ever seen. Hardwood floors, exposed brick walls, and a chandelier that looked more like artwork than a light fixture.
“Nate, this is beautiful.”
“You like it?”
“I love it.”
“I thought you’d say that.” He handed her a set of keys.
“What? What is this?” She stared at him then the keys and back.
“It’s my new place, OUR new place—if you want.”
“Are you serious?”
“I bought it last week. All you have to do is pack your clothes and toothbrush.”
“Wow, I…uh,” was all she managed to say. Never, in her entire life, had she imagined she would be living in a home as magnificent as this. A part of her wanted to jump into his arms--screaming, while the other part of her wanted to refuse his offer. This was too much and she’d never be able to feel at home.
“I know what you are thinking.” He continued. “It seems a little overboard for two people, but I have plans to fill this place with the patter of little feet.”
“Nate.” She gasped. He’d never spoken of marriage and children before.
‘I gotta sit down.’ She thought as she made her way into the living room, with its twenty-foot ceilings, and collapsed on the couch.
“Liya, baby. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine; just a little overwhelmed.”
Taking her hand in his, he sat beside her. “The thought hasn’t crossed your mind?”
Looking into his eyes she found the courage to confess, “Of course it has. I just didn’t think you…” her words faded as she realized how foolish she sounded.
“I’m not asking for all this today. But it is in our future—if you want.”
“I want.” Was all she managed to speak.
“Good. Now…” he stood—six-foot-three and pulsating sexual adrenaline unlike any man she’d ever known.
“I’ve been waiting all week to do this.” He smiled and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear as she stood, letting her body graze his as she rose from the couch.
The thought of where this was heading had her pulse racing. “Nate,” She began but he silenced her with a kiss.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she lost herself in his seduction.
Lifting her in his arms, their lips never parted as he slowly crossed the distance of the living room and headed for the stairs.
“Where are you taking me?” She breathed as the wet skin of his inner lip travelled slowly across her neck. She knew damn well he was heading for the closest bedroom.
“We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.” His full lips smiled against her skin as she inadvertently let out a deep moan.
“Is that so?” She teased.
“Hell yeah.” He kicked open a door on the left, almost taking it off the hinges. “By the end of today, we’re gonna christen every damn room in this house!”

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