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It was ten in the morning when I woke up, well opened my eyes. I rolled over and hit my nose on Colby's chest. He shifted in his sleep and continued to snore quietly. He doesn't really snore more like breaths in so it sounds like a really quiet snore. I cuddled up into him. I felt Colby wrap his arms around me while I fell back asleep.

When I woke up for the second time Colby wasn't there and I felt a little sad. I looked at my phone and right as I went to turn it on Colby was face-timing me. 

"Hey, babe" I answered, I rubbed my eyes with my fingers and yawned. 

"Hey baby girl" he smiled at me, I smiled back putting the phone down on the pillow and shoving my face into the bed. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asks me. "Where are you?" I ask, he waits for a second laughing at something quickly before answering. "Ihop" he responds, I yawn and he chuckles. "Waffles please, and can you stop somewhere and buy me some orange juice?" I ask. He hums in yes and stays on the phone. 

"Colby?" I ask dragging his name. "Yes baby girl?" he asks. "When are you coming back? I want cuddles and kisses" I whine and stuff my face into the pillow. I pick up the phone and look at Colby's face and he makes funny faces at me. 

"Soon baby, I promise we can have a lazy day, and then maybe hang out with the roommates and play fortnite or something," he says and I see Sam and Kat behind him with Jake on his own. "Hi Jake," I say tiredly, "hi Sam, hi Kat" I add and they all look around before seeing Colby's phone. "Hey" the all reply. 

I go to hang up but Colby stops me. "Please don't hang up," Colby says I nod and put the phone down so I can brush my hair. I put it in a high ponytail and leave it even though it's a bit messy. 

"When did you leave?" I ask, "I didn't feel you get up," I say trying not to fall asleep. I set the phone on the bedside table so it faces me. I lay back on the bed sliding back under the covers. "Uh, about an hour ago," Colby speaks and Sam checks his invisible watch, "yep" Sam adds.

I sigh and lay my hand on my arm closing my eyes, "what's the time?" I ask, "eleven forty-five" Kat answers over Colby's shoulder. I nod slowly and snuggle into the pillow. "Don't fall asleep baby," Colby says softly as he goes to collect our order. It's the last thing I hear before I drift off. 

Colby's POV

I look at my phone to see her asleep. I can't help but say 'awww' at the cuteness of my girlfriend, I end the call and get into my car. When I get back to the mansion I walk straight up to our room, Y/N is still asleep and lying on her cheek on my pillow instead of hers. He lips are parted and moving slightly as if kissing someone in her sleep. I put our food down and place my lips lightly on hers. 

She stirred but didn't wake. 

"Y/N, baby, princess time to get up," I say poking her shoulder. I huff and just let myself fall on her. She squeaks as I land and she splutters until I roll off her. She lifts her head up and sees my cheesy smile, she groans and slams her face back into the pillow.

Before I can even think her arms and legs are wrapped around me and she smiles into my collarbone. "You came back, I love you," she says and her tone screams the words 'I'm tired cuddle me'. I chuckle and get out of her grip and she sits up. 

"Come downstairs and we can eat and cuddle," I say. I go to leave and see her pouting, I've done something. "What?" I ask with an airy chuckle. "You didn't say it back," she says pouting and furrowing her brows. I spot her giraffe on my desk, I pick it up and chuck it at her. It hits the wall and I hear my own voice, I roll my eyes and she gets up. 

"Wait for me" she whines. She slips on some sweatpants and stays in her hoodie and stands next to me. I wait for her to wrap her arms around me, which she does. Her small arms just make it around my shoulders and I dag her down the stairs, I swear she gets shorter because her head it now only just above my collar shoulder blade, or maybe I'm just imagining it and that's how short she's always been. 

We finally make it downstairs to the others and we curl up on the couch under a blanket which I didn't even notice Y/N drag behind her. Everyone was downstairs just talking and doing their own thing either on their phones or having a normal conversation. I smile at the sight. 

I sit on the couch with my back against the back of the couch and my arm around Y/N she lies between my legs and on my chest, one arm bent as she uses it as a pillow and the other holds the blanket where she wants it. I smile as she laughs at Katrina and Sam and the at the comment Jake makes. 

We spend all day just the roommates and Kat. The boys all went out to get dinner and we had pizza and while the boys played fortnite the girls watched and pet the dogs. Devyn and Y/N again got back into the argument over who's boyfriend was better and then Kat dragged herself into it. 

We all laughed as Aaron got overly angry at the game and then apologized and calmed down. It was a good lazy day, even though for most of it Y/N was really tired and sleepy. 

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