2 ; le bon

177 3 0

20th of September, 2018
Xavier Robson

Dear Amaya,

Today was one of the weirdest days I've experienced in a while. Maybe it was because you are constantly on my mind or maybe it was because of Corbyn.

It's been a few weeks since the faux blonde sat across from me in the art room and it's been a couple of days since I handed in my first project of a portrait. She was beautiful and I wondered where on my wall she'd be. I hadn't eaten in the canteen since last semester, constantly worked or at lunch time training. Lunch in the cafeteria wasn't enjoyable however I randomly decided that I'd put myself through the pain of sitting alone around a heard of animals, maybe I was expecting someone would be nice enough to not leave me by myself eating.

As I'd entered the room I could feel the sinking feeling in my gut telling me to turn around but I continued walking in finding a table by myself near the window where I preferred so I could look at the view of the willow tree on the hill that somehow hadn't been removed by the school. It was beautiful it's weeping branches full of serenity, blinding the chaos behind me.

It was calm as I ate through my container of pasta with pesto and cheese until another encounter with Corbyn changed my mind. He slid across from me into the spare seat saying hello and starting asking me question after question

"How did your art project go?"

"Why do you never eat lunch here?"

"Am I annoying you" he really wasn't, I was once quite amused but then David Conners came over. He slapped Corbyn's back half causing him to choke on his sandwich before gleefully smirking at me.

"Well if it isn't Xavier Robinson, long time no see" I hated it so much my chest burning in anger, he didn't even say my last name correctly and I know that I deserved better company as he continued

"Cat got your tongue Robinson?" I tried staring harshly into his putrid brown eyes but his gaze didn't move and either did the attention of the table behind us full of jocks and the strong scent of b.o. I was ready to leave so I shut the container and placed it in my bag but I didn't leave my seat. Because Corbyn spoke up,

"I believe it's Robson, David.. also your Oder belongs over there not here so how about we scadaddle back over there" confidently standing giving him one mighty slap on the back before directly ushering me out of the canteen.

He didn't move the hand on my lower back till we were seated under the willow tree I spied earlier. He flung to the ground on his backpack staring up.

"Are you going to join me or what?" Amaya you know me I'm not a cool person I don't just join people in conversation but I did, I crossed my legs descending to the ground, half a meter away from the tall lanky boy. It nearly bought a smile to my face.

I wanted to ask why he stood up for me in the cafeteria but I couldn't find the words, I was pretty much speechless that he sat with me in the first place.

"If you're wondering, I think that we should hang out so those type of people like David don't ruin us."


"The good people." He said staring over at me then back up to the branches of the willow.

I can't explain the feelings swirling in my gut.

I can't explain the thoughts swirling in my head.

But it seems that you'll be hearing more of Corbyn from now on.

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