7 ; pleurs?

84 5 0

22nd of October, 2018
Xavier Robson

Dear Amaya,

I swear even though Corbyn is telepathic, he could at least stop causing weird occurrences. It would be much appreciation.

Let's look at it, nearly 2 months since I met the boy, I've played board games with a science kid
I've skipped my first ever class
I've hanged out with someone on the weekend
I've had friends for more than two weeks
And now. The biggest one yet.

I comforted a random girl. Well not random.

Kayla Bourke.

Semi popular, senior, Ive known she's existed since middle school but never have I interacted with her.

It was lunch and I was making my way up to the scorers room which looking at my watch, would be the last person there. The metal clunked under my boots, my jacket clinging close to my body when I saw her on the edge of the top step. I didn't know what to do, I froze for a second looking around to find the whole place deserted and soft cries coming from her lips. I tried to think of what you'd do Amaya so instead of shuffling around the problem, I continued past the room drawing closer and closer to the dark brunette who was crying.

She could hear my boots so she looked up and shock spread across her face instantly and began trying to dry her tears with her sleeves. I slowly sat down next to her looking out at the football field.


"It's fine. I'll be alright."

"you are clearly not fine." She stopped staring at my eyes more shocked then before. I could see her internally break and if on cue a sob escaped her mouth. Do what Amaya would do, was repeating through my head over and over again. So I pulled her into a tight hug, her tears soaking my jacket as she cried for a few minutes til the tank had emptied. As we pulled away I turned around to get a tissue from my bag which she gratefully took.

"If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."

"Marley kissed my Boyfriend." I tried not to panic at how quickly it left her mouth and how openly she told me, I don't think she even knows who I am.

"it's okay to be sad because that's how you should feel, um what was his name? Jacob was it" she nodded sniffling into the tissue.

"well he is a douchbag"

"I know that's why I'm not upset about him, I'm upset about how my friend broke my loyalty and trust." She was right that was fucked and I couldn't imagine doing that, but still Marley was mean. Once in freshman I came crying home because she harassed me after gym, shaming me for all different friends. Kayla seemed nice enough so I pulled a Corbyn.

I grabbed her stuff and began walking down each step her little questions picking up in the silence till curiously she crept down after me, her shoes echoing. I touched the door handle staring before I clicked it open revealing a heated argument between the toy boys, most likely over science or cards. Kayla came up behind me pressing against my shoulder confused and scared.

"Xavier I thought you were dead."

"Hello to you too." I said stepping in, indicating for her to follow in and shut the door.

"So I was thinking-" Daniel stopped, staring at Kayla who blushed embarrassed of her physical state but I could see legitimate hearts forming in his eyes.

"Um this guys is Kayla..." she shyly waved as Corbyn grinned at me, he knew how much he was growing on me.

"je te deteste." I hissed at him, {I hate you}

"Ooo I've heard that one before salé" {salt}y!? I'm not salty I thought but I pushed aside the argument seeing Kayla's wide eyes. Sitting down quickly, she followed seated next to Daniel who was hardly breathing as a pretty girl was in his radius.

"Playing cards? Do you always do this?" He nodded trying to gulp away his nerves, but his hands gave it away shakily placing a card on top with Corbyn smacking down on the pile yelling at the top of his lungs snap. She laughed at the craziness of the room but gently put her bag down looking at Daniel.

"I want to play."

"Uh s-sure" Corbyn snorted finding too much amusement over this interaction why I blankly contemplated life and throwing up.

"So what happened?" Corbyn said as we watched the two play, Daniel letting Kayla win as her cheeks turned back to her olive complexion

"Boyfriend. Bestfriend. I think there's a movie made about it, maybe even 20." He smirked placing his arms behind his long body.

"What about you?" You are silencieux" {quiet}

"You've picked up french too easily and quickly it makes me mad" I say once again avoiding the subject. I didn't want to tell him how I felt about myself and you.

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