6 ; juste un sourire

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14th of October, 2018
Xavier Robson

Dear Amaya,

Today I stared at my phone for a good hour.

Why you may be asking?

Well Corbyn's words were swishing around my brain  and it was nearly as haunting as Connor's acts.

We'd spent the last couple of days inside the scorer room and to which Daniel found delight could easily store board games behind the cupboard. Along with a pack of cards and UNO, cluedo has been added and I don't think I could play another game. They were both extremely fun and once again a smile had felt as if it was brimming against my lips.

But now it was Sunday and I had nothing left to do. I bought groceries, completed my homework and cleaned the house yesterday. So the boredom lead to me staring at my phone for so long, not interest.

I could've  just texted him but I was a weakling and found after 70 minutes I had built up the courage to send one thing, the hedgehog emoji.

And to my surprise I received
only took you a matter of time Xavier.
Why did he basically speak in riddles?

you can stare at the last text after you send your address and put your shoes on.
literally just a puzzle of words but still I sent back the upside down face and my address before running up the stairs to pull on my black pair of vans, a jacket and brush my hair. I don't care though.

Sliding around the bench I heard my phone vibrate again against the cold marble.


Outside? Hold on? I thought, I wasn't meeting up with him? Well yes that was the whole kind of idea Amaya but I could hardly believe it but instead of overthinking and questioning everything, I pushed the device into my pocket and opening the front door to see him leaning against the hood of his car.

"Good to see you moody."

"Ha. Ha. Such a pleasant surprise, no Daniel?." I responded quickly. He shook his head walking around the car, sliding into the car slamming his door. I followed shortly after I had regained brain power about what was going on.

"so since you're Xavier, I'm guessing we should go get chipotle." My eyes widened nodding while he chuckled turning on a mellow playlist igniting the engine. I tried to sit there calmly but how did he know chipotle was my favourite? Of course he answered. He's a telepath Amaya.

I spent the rest of the day with him driving, eating till we stopped at the top of the hill near the Hollywood sign. It was brinking on the edge of dusk.

We walked around the tracks jumping up onto the rocks.
He would jump up swiftly like spiderman yelling things like... chipotle is my life or fre sh a va ca do.
He's absolutely crazy and absolutely charming at the same time and sometimes I could hardly breathe.

Stepping up onto a rock I look down at him as he waits for me to yell a vine of my choice.

Except did I forgot to mention that I'm Xavier?

So after deciding I was going to yell I thought you were American, my foot makes it's on choices slips off the rocky surface plummeting me into the air. I didn't scream I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best. But I didn't feel the pain I was waiting for but a tight embrace around my waist and a slight giggle from the blonde boy with pale blue eyes.

"That was quite a dramatic fall from 2 metres" I roll my eyes not moving, his hands still laced around my lower back, the warmth of him pressed against me. He sighs still keeping his small smile on his face,

"Come on Xavier, just one smile?" I cough awkwardly pushing him away from me. But he continues

"Sorry beg my pardon, juste un sourire?" My jaw trembles under the pressure, he was trying so hard, I felt bad but instead I turn around walking back towards the car hearing a loud groan behind me.

Amaya why don't I smile?

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