15 ; je suis ici

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Opening the window I look at his face, nose red from the cold of sitting on a tree branch for 15 minutes. I wish I felt bad but I didn't. He stepped into the room gracefully moving his hand in a gesture indicating it was my time to say it. I looked down at my feet as the breeze stopped. The only light in my room was from my small bedside lamp and the moonlight outside. It's 11pm now after the family left at 10:30 but the faux blonde was seated at my window quickly after I shut him out.

"I am-"

"To my face."
I flicked my head up staring into his blue pale eyes and his concentrating face.

"I am- I am..." I could feel my chest breaking staring at him, we were only a metre apart breathing intensely. His jaw clenched like it did in the kitchen while he tried to be kind.

"I don't know what to do Xavier anymore. You don't fucking trust me and I've been there for you this whole time! And who even is amaya? what is going on with you, it's like looking at a stranger and still wanting to love every inch of them."

"I can't lie to you anymore." I felt the tears come for the 5th time tonight as he embraced me in his long arms tightly. He's like a giant teddy bear and the feeling of his hands wrapped around me make me want to stay like this forever.

He shuffled over to my bed lying down quickly pulling me with him onto the covers. I rest my head on his chest, the deep inhalations raising up from his chest. I felt like I could stay here forever.

"Who is Amaya?" I swallowed

"The little girl in the picture."
He was quiet for a second before he whispered

"Where is she?" I sighed, holding back the emotions as I stared at the girl sitting cross legged on my chair in the corner of the room.

I looked around the mall, where was she? she said she would be sitting outside while I looked in that shop. I didn't think our argument before would make her so mad.

"little brat." I whispered pulling my phone out dialling her number hearing it beep numerous times before going to message bank. She's been so bad lately, never listening to mum and dad, dressing terribly, all the cliche teenager bad things. We used to talk so often and be bestfriends till this year, her first year of high school. I tried again, and again but she wouldn't pick up.

I wondered around the mall for hours looking into every shop trying to find her but still I couldn't catch sight of her blonde braided hair. She would've called me back by now, the blood in my veins was racing and my ears were ringing. It was getting late and we'd missed the buss home but I couldn't leave without her.

I was getting desperate asking random people, showing her picture and asking security. No one had seen her and even 20 minutes after they called her name over the speaker did she come to the reception desk.

"Dad I can't find her anywhere, what do I do?!"

"You had one job Xavier."

"I know I'm sorry! I'm scared please what do I do??"

"I'm coming now to get you." Tears we're starting to spill as I flew up every floor, in and out of each store as they began to close but I couldn't find her. Where even does a 14 year old go.

Running back to the reception I beg for help again asking about cameras but denied of the chance to look at the cameras as it "wasn't series enough". Dad ran up to me looking at my scared face, frowning angrily. He spoke for ages asking about the cameras again, calling the police while I called Josh and Mum asking if she was home or at work.

We called her friends and people we knew but none had seen Amaya. They finally allowed us to watch the footage.

I covered my mouth as a man in his late 40's pulled Amaya off the seat outside the store, she had so gracefully been sitting on with her long legs and beautiful hair. He pulled her calmly towards the car exit. The security woman wailed into her walkie talkie but I was out of the small room crying as I ran to the door they exited.

I screamed sprinting up and down the layered car park my voice growing hoarse as security guards with their devices going off ran around looking between cars.

I flung my body up the stairs to the top floor,


"Xavier..." I sobbed running towards her croaky voice, freezing at the image of her. She was blinking slowly covered in blood, clothes ripped and throat bruised with red marks everywhere else. No how could I let this happen.

"Amaya! It's okay it's okay you'll be alright I'm calling the ambulance, I'm calling dad, keep breathing you are okay" my body shook with her laid in my arms behind the wall.

"HELP SOMEONE HELP PLEASE" it was a blur, the first security guard reached me calling the rest of them while I called 911 as she fell in and out of consciousness. Her body was destroyed.

"Xavier, he touched me he touched me" she repeated crying while I held her hand tightly before I was shoved violently out of the way by my dad

"I can't believe you let this happen," he muttered before picking her fragile body up walking towards the ambulance that was speeding up the floors. I ran after her but he pushed me away.

"9:43pm, she didn't make the hospital."
I whispered to the blonde boy who's eyes brimmed with tears, while he continued gripping onto me tightly. I just cried while he rocked me gently.

"I understand you now" I sobbed a little harder towards the boy as he continued comforting me.

I think I love Corbyn...

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