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20th of November, 2018
Xavier Robson

Dear Amaya,

Two days from Thanksgiving and I'm nervous. Nothing will happen but I always feel sick to my stomach. I tried to get out of the house today but I couldn't bring myself to.

I saw the notification from Corbyn and I wondered if I should open it or pretend I didn't see it. But like the last time curiousity got the better of me


I sighed I couldn't lie and say I didn't want to see him so I texted back quickly chucking better clothes over my cold body.


I shrugged to myself staring out my window at the terrible wether before typing back a response and pulling my hair up into a makeshift ponytail. It's Corbyn he wouldn't care.

no! I'm not judging, sounds good.

I pulled my jacket and scarf on passing Josh's room belting music for the first time in a while, must be a day off.

hurry up I'm cold

I open the door to Corbyn once agin leaning against his black car and I confusingly wonder what he's doing.

"Why are you standing outside the car?"

"It's cool, I'm cool." I scoff passing him quietly but cheekily sliding into the passenger seat. He turned the heater back on and soon we were driving down my street.

"The art gallery?"


"I'm excited." I frown but nod quietly, didn't think Corbyn would be the one to like art.

So as we pulled up I wasn't too shocked when he leaned back to retrieve a camera bag and jumped out of the car with a smile.

We entered and paid a small fee for the extra part before slowly and closely walking around studying everything. Half the time Corbyn would be looking at me but sometimes when he was looking at the art and taking pictures I'd glance at him emerging myself in his personality. He was so technical but so easy to go with the flow, he was intricate like a puzzle. Maybe that's why I hang out with him so much. Because I just want to solve who he is. He probably does the same for me.

Moving through the rooms we talked slightly arm to arm stopping at each, the hand ticking over on my watch. He tried to get me to pose for his shots but I would sneak away from him.

That was until I saw the faces lined on the wall, they reminded me of me. The snap of the camera went and I blinked,

"You look beautiful" he had said walking up to me showing me a picture on his camera

"You can't even see my face"

"Well you still are and I know how beautiful you are" and with that he walked away to the opposite side while I secretly blushed at his words, a compliment. I hadn't received one of those in a while.

"Come on bashful, we still have half the exhibition to go" I had stared into his pale blue eyes remembering the spark we had when we first met.

It was real.
And it wasn't going any time soon.

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