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26th of October, 2018
Xavier Robson

Dear Amaya,

I forgot how much I disliked parties, it also didn't help that I felt like an idiot in my costume. I dressed up as Wednesday Adams as it was easy to whip up together in the short time.

Even though Halloween wasn't for another couple of days, it was celebrated on the Friday before usually in our school.

The rooms were hot with alcohol every metre in the hands of an underage drinker. I had been there for 5 minutes and I still hadn't found Daniel, Corbyn and Danielle. My dress was fitting and my hair in its natural gentle curls framing my face.

"Wednesday Adams, how fitting" knowing the tone and voice I turned to see Corbyn in a Star Wars costume? Which made me realise. Of course he's a Star Wars nerd!

"Now young skycorbyn, you will die" which he gently laughed at approaching me so people wouldn't pass through our conversation.

Daniel soon found us and I immediately disowned him and his Australian stereotype which we stood by absolutely shredding verbally until a drunk Kayla slung onto my shoulders dressed as Cleopatra, we were really ticking the unoriginal box tonight.

She tried to get me to dance but I soon passed her off to Daniel who happily took the chance. It was sad I wish he had a chance but no he really didn't.

"knew you'd be a wallflower"

"can't say you aren't the same."

"how about a compliment moody"

"how about good personality Besson" he placed his hand fakely on his heart pretending to take a blow. While the music continued getting louder along with all the people in it who were tipping onto the drunk side, tripping and laughing obnoxiously.

I didn't touch a cup, either did Corbyn as we stood against the wall shoulder to shoulder watching Daniel and Kayla party their little hearts out. Kayla was being swung around people talking and smiling eating food being passed around. She really was a party animal and definitely had been avoiding her ex boyfriend and ex bestfriend making out in the living room. Corbyn hesitantly left my side,

"I'm just going with Jonah to see this, I'll be back" he said squeezing my arm, while he followed the brunette boy away into the house leaving me stranded on a wall. Daniel followed Corbyn maybe to get a drink so I just sat holding my water bottle I bought staring at different scenarios. That was until I noticed something.

Kayla was being passed a drink from a much older guy, maybe 19 or 20. Within seconds she was blinking slowly and dizzily walking towards me but was swooped up by the guy leading her into the house. Amaya I couldn't believe it, it was like watching a scene in Riverdale with the exception of a girl gang by my side. I tried to follow the two into the house who had reached the stairs and were slowly ascending well more Kayla being dragged from her drugged state.

The room was packed and trying to shovel around people when you are invisible isn't easy. I tried to quickly run after her but I constantly was trapped by bodies.

"Xavier, where are you going?" I was panicking, I haven't panicked since months after your depart Amaya. I care so so so much about Kayla, she's only been around for less than 3 weeks but she is kind, fun and had sat with me in classes. She is my friend. I recall my blood starting to race in my head and my ears ringing. I then saw you Amaya, across the room shaking your head with your hair perfectly styled in side braid, dress white as white and I felt my heart fall to my feet. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe.

"Corbyn-n, I cant breathe." I barely whispered stumbling into his arms, he nervously caught me trying to pick me up. But it hit me Amaya, I wasn't going to let Kayla go so easily so I pushed heavily off his body turning as climbing the stairs still in full panic mode with tears steaming down my face and Corbyn hot on my trail.

Mum said to write down events in my life to remove them and never think of them again but I will never forget this one.

I reached the top and started yelling her name, opening doors, seeing things I didn't with him following confused but soon catching on. I began to raise my voice moving quicker. I was praying please please let her be okay.

Turning the corner of the massive corridor I looked in another room horrified but muddled in sight. Kayla laid passed out on the bed her dress ripped and her headpiece on the floor. At the foot of the bed stood a guy I'd never seen, sending his fist repeatedly into the man's , who had drugged Kayla, face before dropping the unconscious body to the floor. He turned wide eyed to us, shirt messed up.

"I heard you."

And that's how we met Finn Peterson

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