3 ; muet ou autiste

106 3 0

28th of September, 2018
Xavier Robson

Dear Amaya,

The past week has literally been a roller coaster. David has been haunting me, in my dreams and in reality. The amount of shoves I've received by him is incredible I didn't think someone like me could be so 'shovable'.

Corbyn and I have been hanging out every lunch and break we could under the willow tree, you wouldn't believe how smart he is. He's been helping me with maths and science and I honestly can't repay him for how much it's helped in class. We always talk about random things too, he's been learning french off me sometimes and it's honestly the funniest thing for him to initially say but he then picks it up in a flash which is so impressive.

I've never felt so calm and happy with someone since you left Amaya, I used to see you everywhere in my head, around the hallways, in class but when I'm with Corbyn you don't appear. I don't know if that makes me sad or happy...

Anyway today I was sitting under the willow tree at lunch, breeze flowing through my curls, sketch book and chicken salad laid out in front of me when not just one pair of shoes appeared by two. Slowly I looked up to find Corbyn smiling down at me with his arm wrapped around another boy with brown hair and the deepest eyes. It was astonishing, like you could see the earth in this boy's pupil.

I silently nodded as they sat down pulling out their lunch but I was just confused. Why was he here? I don't remember seeing him.

"Xavier this is Daniel, Daniel this is Xavier. He's in my science class and I just happened to watch him be pushed over in the corridor so he's staying with us now." I cautiously nod at him before going back to my work, drawing a girl under a willow tree just like the one us three were seated under. It was quiet till a sudden sound hit the air,

"Is she a mut-te?" I snorted loudly at Daniel, a mute how creative I thought instantly growing a liking for Daniel and his pureness.

"No I am not but good one, are you autistic?" This time Corbyn snorted as Daniel turned bright red a my sarcastic comment. Corbyn understands my humour as we shared the same humour and I was guessing if Daniel was sticking with us, he'd soon be a witty, sarcastic beast like us two.

As I stared through my eyelashes I watched Daniel look from both of us, staring down my amused pout and Corbyn's grin before bursting into laughter.

It's like being at the pet store. We're keeping him.

The rest of the lunch played out similarly, Daniel telling us more about him since we both didn't even know his last name. His full name was Daniel James Seavey which he so openly shared. In a family of 4 and loves playing cello. He's fairly intelligent and like Corbyn picks things up quickly as Corbyn and I shared a few words in French he gladly shot a bonjour which was always a good start in my opinion.

We then began sharing a pack of sultanas which really didn't go well as it became a catch game where I accidentally threw a dried grape straight into Daniels eye.

It made me realise hanging with Corbyn and Daniel that there are certain people that make you feel like you are living, always in the moment and not sad. You were one of those people Amaya I just want to know why'd you have to leave me. It's taken nearly 2 years to find my feet and some friends and I don't know who to blame anymore.

Me or you?

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