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Chapter one
Ringo's POV:
January 1st 1962
The four of us had just auditioned for Decca records, getting rejected. John flipped his hair out of his face as we walked. "Don't feel down guys. It'll get better." George said. Paul put his hands in his pockets and sighed. "It's cold." I said as I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck. John pointed to a pub and said "I need a drink." Paul nodded in agreement and we walked inside, taking off our winter clothing. We sat down at a table and ordered some drinks. Paul and John talked amongst themselves while George was warming up. Our drinks were set down on the table by the guy who owns the pub. "I'm Tobey. If you guys need anything let me know." He said. "Thank you." George said as Tobey walked away. I took a sip of my drink and singing entered the room. "She's got a pretty voice." John said. "A really pretty voice." Paul replied. I was too busy in my own world to even pay attention to what they were talking about. "She's really good." George said. All I could hear was her voice, one of the sweetest voices I had ever heard. "Ringo. Ringo. Hey, Ringo!" John said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I asked. "Have you seen her? She's real cute." Paul said with a smirk. I looked up to he stage and saw her. A girl with curly hair and a pretty voice. "Woah." Was all I said. A tight green dress laid on her body as she sang into the microphone. A few of the other men in the pub clapped for her while she finished. She began singing another song and John motioned for Tobey to walk over. "Hey who is she?" Tobey smirked a little and said "that's Lucy. Miss Lucy Abbott. She sings here at night. This pub was doing ok before she stared singing here. Then business got even better. People come here just to watch her sing. She's amazing isn't she?" George nodded and Paul said "she's really good." My eyes went back to her and she lightly swayed her hips to the song as she sung. There was a female sitting close to the front who smiled really big at her. I assumed maybe it was her friend or something. "Will you tell her to come over when she's done?" Paul asked. Tobey nodded and said "sure." He walked away and John smirked as well as Paul. "What're you two going to do?" I said. John looked over at me innocently and said "nothing. Just gonna talk to her." Paul sniggered and George said "you guys better not disrespect her." Paul got sincere and said "I would never." John nodded in agreement and said "I just wanna talk to her." I took another sip of my drink and sighed. Once she was finished Tobey motioned for her to come to our table. Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked over. "Hello there, boys." She said. John looked up at her and said "hello, yourself." "So you're Lucy." Paul said. The girl nodded and said "I'm assuming you asked Tobey about me." The four of us nodded in unison which made her chuckle. "What're your names?" Lucy asked. "I'm John." He held his hand out and she shook it. "I'm Paul." She then shook Paul's hand and George stood up and introduced himself. Lucy shook his hand and then everyone's eyes went on me. "What about you? What's your name?" She said as she walked to where I sat. "Richard. But I go by Ringo. I'm Ringo." Lucy nodded and said "it's nice to meet you, Ringo." She shook my hand and I smiled at her. "Have you ever thought about singing professionally? You're voice is amazing." John said. Paul propped his head up with his hand and said "it's really pretty." I'd be lying if I said Paul didn't get all doey eyed over Lucy. His eyes practically said how pretty she was. "I don't think so. It'd be cool. Not sure if I'd want to do it." "You should." George said. Lucy chuckled and I said "we're in a band." "Oh?" "Yeah. We sing." I said. John cleared his throat and said "I sing." "Me too." Paul added. "I do backing vocals sometimes and Ringo plays the drums." George said. "You don't sing?" Lucy said as her eyes adverted to me. I shook my head and said "not usually. But sometimes." John shook his head and said "Ringo, you never sing." I rolled my eyes and Paul said "we're trying to get someone who'll sign us. We got rejected today." "Yeah. They said groups with guitars are on the way out." George said dejectedly. Lucy frowned and said "I'm sorry about that. I'm sure someone will sign you. The four of you look like you could make it." "You think so?" I asked hopefully. Lucy nodded and said "of course. Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I have a job to do. It was nice meeting you all. Thank you for the sweet compliments." "Anytime." John said as he winked at her. Lucy chuckled again and said "bye, boys." She walked to a table where a girl sat and the two of them looked over at us and giggled. "She was totally into us." Paul said. George giggled and said "you think?" "Yeah." "What do you think, Ringo? You didn't have much to say." John said to me. I shrugged and said "yeah. She seems into us. It seems like she's into you." "Yeah maybe." We watched Lucy sing a few more songs before leaving the pub. Paul had gotten a little drunk and John had to drag him home. I headed back to my flat to get some rest, the events of today exhausting me.

Here's the first official chapter!! Also there will be lots of time jumps. So next chapter might be a little confusing since I'm jumping from January to October. It'll all be explained.

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