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Chapter elevenDouble dateApril 5th 1963Ringo's POV:I woke up with Lucy on my chest

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Chapter eleven
Double date
April 5th 1963
Ringo's POV:
I woke up with Lucy on my chest. I looked around and remembered that I spent the night. The clock next to her bed said it was 11:40am. "What?" I mumbled. Lucy shifted her body and nuzzled her face into my chest. I gently shook Lucy and she woke up. "Richard?" I bit my lip while smiling as she used my real name. "Can I use your phone?" She nodded and sat up, reaching across me to grab the phone. As she grabbed the phone she looked down at me. "Sorry." She said. I shook my head and said "it's fine." She set the phone in my lap and sat back down next to me. She shook out her hair and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Will you be leaving after your phone call?" "Yeah, probably. Since we have a date, and if we don't see each other all day, it'll build up anticipation." I said. Lucy blushed and said "jeez, Ringo." I dialed George and Lucy went to the restroom. "Did you ask her?" I said. "Yeah. I'm on for tonight. Are you?" "Yep. Did you pick a place?" I could practically hear George smirk on the other lane. "Yeah. A dancing club. It's really nice." "Ok. I'll be going back to my place soon. So I'll discuss it with you there." "Ah you spent the night again?" I rolled my eyes and said "yes. I'm hanging up, Harrison." "Bye, Starkey." He hung up and Lucy fell back onto the bed. "Now I have to find something to do now that you're leaving." She said. "I'm going to see you tonight. It won't be too long." Lucy sighed and said "I guess." I pulled her closer to me and said "don't be dramatic." She smirked and said "I'm always dramatic." She was now sitting on my lap and I slowly leaned in. "Nope! You're leaving remember?" Lucy said as she jumped up. My lips parted as she stood in front of me. "Touché." I said. Lucy smiled and I stood up. "I don't even get a kiss till later?" Lucy nodded and said "well, you can have this." She kissed my cheek and said "there." I rolled my eyes playfully and said "I need my clothes." Lucy said "oh my gosh you do! I almost forgot!" She ran out of the room and I chuckled at her. She brought my jacket, dress shirt and dress pants back to me. I took off the t-shirt I gave her and held it out to her. She furrowed her eyebrows and said "didn't you want this back?" I shook my head and said "you can keep it a little longer." "You sure?" I nodded and she took it from me, a blush on her face. Lucy left the room as I changed into the clothes I had on the night before. I walked to the front door and Lucy said "looks like I'll be seeing you later." I nodded and gave her a hug. Lucy was taken aback but hugged me. I pulled away from her but still had my arms around the small of her back. I leaned in to kiss her again and Lucy put her hand in front of my lips. She was giggling and she said "Ringo, you're really trying to kiss me before our first date?" "Well, technically we've kissed already." I replied as I moved her hand from my lips. "Yeah and we were drunk." I shrugged and said "and? What if I kissed you right now?" "It would defeat the whole purpose." She said. I kissed her cheek and she smiled and said "are you good now?" "Yeah. It'll last me till tonight." Lucy pushed me out of her flat playfully. She followed me out to my car and I said "I'll pick you at 7:00." "I'll be waiting." She replied.


Time went by pretty quick, before I knew it I was on the way to Lucy's. I pushed my hair out of my face as I walked up to her door. I went to knock on the door and then got nerves. I pulled my hand away from the door and told myself to relax. I knocked on the door and it was a few seconds before she opened the door. She had a red dress on with red heels to match, her makeup was more glamorous than normal. "It might be a bit much." She said. I immediately shook my head and said "it's perfect. You look perfect." Lucy blushed and stepped out of her flat, locking her door. I walked her to my car and we began driving to the dancing club that George had picked out. I was hoping to god that he picked someplace decent, I'd kill him if he didn't. I parked and noticed it was a bit nicer than most clubs. The two of us got out of the car and walked into the club, my eyes scanning the place, looking for George. "What're we doing?" Lucy asked. "I'm looking for something." I said. She nodded and I couldn't seem to find him. "Starkey!" George yelled from behind me. I turned around and he had Patricia on his arm. "Harrison. Looks like I beat you here." I said as I looked up at him. "Yeah, cause you have a fast car." George smiled really big at me and I did the same.

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