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Chapter thirty seven
"I'm pregnant, Ringz."
July 12th 1964
Lucy's POV:
I got dressed and quickly did my makeup. Ringo was asleep on our shared bed. I kissed the top of his head and said "I'm off." Ringo's eyes fluttered open and he said "ok. I'll get up and call Brian then. Sort everything out." I nodded and left the house, driving to the nearest doctor's office. I tried to leave as early as possible so I wouldn't run into any fans. Luckily I did and got there with no problems. I looked at the other women in the room, they were actually sick. I was the only one in the room who wasn't sick. I was sure I was pregnant but how would I know? I had only read about how you can tell if you are or not. And stuff from my mother told me. "Mrs. Starkey they're ready for you." The nurse said. I nodded and stood up, following her into a room. I was currently laid up in one of those chairs and was waiting for someone. A woman came in and I was more than happy. She began to make small talk with me, asking me about any symptoms I was having. I explained everything and then she said "your husband isn't here?" I shook my head and said "he's busy at home. We're looking to move." "That's nice. I hope everything works out for the two of you." She replied. "Thank you." The procedure began, well it's not really a procedure but she began doing everything that would tell me if I was pregnant or not. She smiled really big and said "Mrs. Starkey I'm happy to tell you that you're pregnant." I looked at the screen which has a blurry image of a baby. I bit my lip while smiling and said "wow." "I'm sure your husband will be very happy." She said. "He'll be ecstatic." I said. "Would you like the pictures to take home?" I nodded and she said "let me go grab them. I'll take this stuff off and get them." She wiped the cold jelly like substance off my stomach and then left the room. When she came back she handed me the photos that were in a folder. "Thank you." I said. I went to the desk and paid for everything. I got back into my car and headed back to the small flat Ringo and I shared. As I walked in he was on the phone. "Brian, I told you that it's not up for discussion. Lucy and I wanna move. It needs to happen now. So when I come back, everything is ready and Lucy will be fine. I need to make sure that she's in a stable house." He said. I closed the door behind me softly and a sigh left his lips. "Can you just get me a list please? Or look at some references?" He said. "Is that Ringo?" John's voice chimed in. "Ringoooo!" George said. I chuckled and Ringo motioned for me to come over to where he stood. "Where's Lucy?" Paul asked. Ringo rolled his eyes and John said "how are ya, Starkey?" "Good, Lennon. I'm trying to get Brian to let Lucy and I move." Paul scoffed and said "let them move." "Yeah. Ringo doesn't ask for much. In fact, John knows a good place." George added. "Ah, that's right. Cynthia and I almost moved there but we found a better house. It'll be perfect for them." "Send me the information." Ringo said. "Already on it. Talk to you soon, Ringo!" John said. "Lucy are you there?" Paul asked again. "I'm here, Paulie." "Hiya!" He said. "How are you?" Paul began going on and on. Paul and I had become really good friends since I met the boys. He was the only one I connected with besides Ringo. "I hope tour is treating you nice." I said. "It's good. Not the same without Ringo though. It feels a little weird." I chuckled and said "have you met a girl yet?" "We all know that you're my girl." Paul said while giggling. Ringo took the phone from me and said "goodbye, Paul." "Wait!" He said. "Move it's my turn." George mumbled. "George!" Ringo said excitedly. "How are you? I hope you're doing well and everything. I hate that you're not here." George said the last part quietly and Ringo said "I know. Hopefully I'll still have my spot when you guys come back." "Aw, Ringo don't say that. I can't imagine the band without you." "Don't replace me, ok?" Ringo said. "You're not being replaced." John and Paul said at the same time. Ringo smiled and said "I hope so." "Well, I hope you and Lucy sort everything out. We have a show tonight. Keep an eye on us." George said. "Of course." Ringo said. "Bye, Ringo." "Bye, George." Ringo hung up the phone and his head hung low. "What is it?" I asked. "I really miss them. I know it hasn't been that long but I miss them. I hate not being with them and I hate that we're not together. I don't want to think about life without them." I cupped his cheek and said "don't be sad. You'll be back with them soon." He nodded and pressed a kiss to my lips. "Well, I have some news that might make you happy." I said as I pulled away from Ringo. "Yeah?" He said as he went into the kitchen. I pulled the pictures out of my purse and said "I'm pregnant, Ringz." Ringo turned around and saw the photos in my hand. "R-really?" I nodded and he took them from my hands. I watched his lips curl up into a smile and he chuckled. "Wow." He whispered. "Now we really have to move." I said. "Do they know the gender?" He asked. I shrugged and said "she didn't tell me. I'll probably have to go for another appointment." He walked over to me and gave me the biggest hug. "You're amazing." He said. I shook my head at him and pulled away. "You did all the work." I said as I looked up at him. Ringo made a face like was thinking about it and then said "oh yeah." I rolled my eyes playfully. He cupped my cheek and pressed his lips to mine. "Now we just have to tell the lads." He said as he pulled away. "Don't forget Brian as well." "John is sending me the information for the house so we'll be moving soon. And I heard it's big. So there'll be plenty of room for our little one." He said. "Ringo?" "Hmm?" "I want a dog." He made a questioning face and said "a dog?" "Dogs are good for kids. We could get a puppy and they could grow up together." I said while taking the photos from him, putting them in a safe place. "Well I guess I'll take you to get a dog then." He mumbled. I smiled really big and said "good."

The ending is kinda cute??

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