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Chapter thirty nineCalifornia August 19th 1964Lucy's POV:There was a large party being held somewhere in Santa Monica so the boys decided they wanted to go

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Chapter thirty nine
August 19th 1964
Lucy's POV:
There was a large party being held somewhere in Santa Monica so the boys decided they wanted to go. Patricia and Cynthia were able to get babysitters for Julian and Theta so we could attend. People were everywhere and Ringo had a cigarette dangling from his lips. I decided not to smoke since I was pregnant. John and Cynthia went to mingle with people and Paul stood next to me. "Aren't you going to talk to people?" I said to him. He shook his head and said "no. I'd rather stay here." Ringo inhaled and then exhaled on his cigarette. "Ringo Starr." A man said. "Yeah. That's me." The man smiled and said "I'm Brian. Brian Wilson. Of The Beach Boys." "Oh my gosh I love you guys." I said. Brian smiled to me and said "and you're Lucy. Right?" I nodded and said "I am." Ringo held out his hand to Brian who shook it. "The Beatles are something else. You guys are awesome, man." He said to Ringo. Ringo nodded and said "thank you." Brian turned to Paul and said "Paul McCartney." Paul shook Brian's hand and said "how are you?" "I'm good. Didn't expect to see the Beatles at this party." "We're here for a few shows." Paul said. I looked over at John to see him chatting with some people. "Would you like to meet the rest of them?" Paul nodded and we walked over to where John stood. "John Lennon!" Brian said excitedly. John turned around and said "hello, Brian. I was talking to your brothers." "Woah, Ringo Starr!" One said. "And Paul McCartney." "Where's George?" "These are my brothers, Dennis and Carl." Dennis stepped up to Ringo and began talking to him about drums. "And this is Mike and Al." George walked over with Patricia and began talking with them as well. Paul looked around the room but was still talking to the band. "You're expecting." Brian said as he looked at my stomach. I had a bump that was showing now. It was still pretty small but you could tell that I was pregnant. "Yes. We are." Ringo said. "Well, I hope everything goes well for the two of you." "Thank you." I replied. Ringo put his arm around my waist and Paul said "I'll be the favorite uncle." Brian laughed and Ringo said "sure you will." "I will! Patricia's kid doesn't like me!" "Theta doesn't like you." I said, correcting Paul. "Right. Theta doesn't like me." "How do you guys like California?" Brian asked. "I like it. I like the beach and the weather." Paul said. "What about you?" Brian said to me. "Well, I'm from America and it seems similar to Florida, where I'm from but it's not. It's different. But it's nice." I said. "You have a cigarette?" Ringo said to me. I nodded and pulled one out of my purse, handing it to Ringo. "Paul, you have a light?" Paul pulled a lighter out of his pocket and lit Ringo's cigarette. Ringo inhaled and I said "you guys are popular." Brian nodded and said "yeah. Not as popular as The Beatles though." John turned his head to look at him as Paul did the same. "Yes, but you're still very popular. I'd say you're one of the top groups at the moment." I said to Brian. Paul quirked an eyebrow at me and Brian then asked Ringo something about the band. He was more than happy to answer. Paul said "we're like the most popular group right now." "Yes. But don't take your stardom for granted. People like The Beach Boys too." I said to him. Cynthia smiled at Al as he talked to her. "You're very beautiful." Brian said to me. I watched Ringo stiffen up next to me and I said "thank you." "You're a lucky guy, Ringo." Ringo chuckled and it was a totally fake one. Not a genuine one. "Do you have a special someone, Brian?" Ringo asked. "Not at the moment. But there is this one girl. I feel like I'll get her eventually." He said. Paul grabbed a drink from a tray that was passing by and he sipped on it. "Lucy could you and Paul grab me a drink?" Ringo said. I nodded and Paul and I walked to the bar. I knew what Ringo liked so I went ahead and ordered it. "He's jealous." Paul said. "Huh?" "Ringo. He's jealous. He doesn't like that Brian's flirting with you." I looked at Ringo who laughed at something Brian had said. "Well that chuckle he did was dry." I said. Paul sniggered and said "it was fake. Like the one he did in A Hard Day's Night." The both of us laughed and then walked back over to Ringo. I handed him his drink and he took it from me, putting his cigarette out in the ashtray next to him. "So, Brian, working on any albums at the moment?" Ringo said. "Not at the moment. But we'll probably release something next year. I believe later this year is when we're supposed to record. What about you?" Brian replied. "We're on tour right now. I think once we get back we will." Ringo said. Brian nodded and Ringo looked at me. "You hungry or anything?" I shook my head and said "I'm ok." "Ok." Ringo kissed the back of my hand and I smiled at him. "What's your favorite beach boys song?" Brian asked me. "Surfer Girl." I said. Brian smiled really big and said "I'm surprised you didn't say Surfin USA." "I mean, I like that song too but Surfer Girl is my favorite." Brian nodded and said "that's cool. That's really cool." "What's your favorite Beatles song?" I said. This caused George and John to listen in, even though they were talking to someone else, they scooted a bit closer to hear. Brian made a face like he was thinking about it. "I'd have to say Can't Buy Me Love." George nodded in approval and John looked at Paul who looked back at John. "That's a nice one." John said. Brian turned around and said "yeah. That's my favorite one at the moment. I can't wait to hear your guys' new music." "Same to you." I said. Cynthia cut in and said "mind if I steal her, Ringo?" He shook his head and said "not at all." Ringo let go of my hand that he had been holding and I nodded to Brian who did the same back. Cynthia and I walked over to the bar where Patricia was. "George looks good." I said to my best friend. She nodded and said "he does doesn't he?" George winked at his wife who did the same back. "I'm not a huge beach boys fan but I do enjoy their music." Cynthia said. I got a water since I was thirsty and didn't want to drink since I was pregnant. I noticed Brian staring at me in the corner of my eye and Patricia began giggling. "What?" Cynthia said. "Ringo is unbelievably jealous right now." Patricia said. I sighed and said "I don't know why." "I think it's cause Brian is staring at you." Cynthia said. I motioned for Ringo to come over where I stood and I left Cynthia and Patricia at the bar. Ringo followed and the two of us were standing off to the side. "What's up? You feeling ok?" He said. I nodded and said "I just wanted to give you a kiss." Ringo smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to my lips. I pulled away and Patricia was smirking. Ringo put his hand on my stomach and said "if you feel sick or anything, let me know." I nodded and said "of course. And be nice to Brian." Ringo nodded and said "I am." "Don't be jealous." He rolled his eyes and said "I'm not." I raised my eyebrows and said "your defensiveness says otherwise." He groaned and said "I don't like him eyeing you like that. And he's flirting!" "But I'm married to you. I'm carrying you're child, Richard." I assured. Ringo nodded and said "you're right." "Don't be a jelly belly. Go over there and be nice to him. He's a fellow artist and he's the first famous person I've ever met. Be nice." I said. Ringo nodded and pressed another kiss to my lips before walking back over. I walked back over to Cynthia and Patricia. "He's good now." I said. Both girls giggled and I said "how's your kids?" "Julian's good. Misses his daddy a lot but he's good." Cynthia said as she looked at John who was giggling with Paul. "And Theta?" "She's got George wrapped around her finger. I'm so glad you're having a girl. Now our kids can have play dates." Patricia said as she sipped on her drink. Cynthia smiled really big and said "that'll be fun! Honestly that'll be so cute." I smiled at her and said "it will won't it?"


The party was ending and Paul and John had managed to become drunk. Ringo had only had a few drinks and didn't want to get drunk since they had after last night's show. Cynthia looked up at John who was whispering something in Paul's ear. Paul busted out laughing and John said "do you see it?" Paul hit John's shoulder and said "shh!" George quirked an eyebrow and I said "ready to go?" Ringo nodded and said "yeah." "I'm starving." George said. Patricia shook her head and said "you didn't eat a single thing while we were here?" "I did. But I'm hungry again." He replied. Patricia pushed on George and the two of them left. Cynthia looked at Paul and said "Paul, I hate to do this but John and I have to get going." Paul frowned playfully and said "bye, Lenny." John smiled and said "bye, Macca." Cynthia pulled on John's arm and the two of them left. Paul was way too drunk to get back to the hotel on his own. "Looks like he's riding with us." I said to Ringo. Ringo sighed as he looked at the younger Beatle in front of him. "Come on, Paul." He said. Paul nodded and Brian said "it was nice meeting you all. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your stay in California." "It was nice to meet you as well." I replied with a smile. Ringo and I headed outside to the car that was going to take us back to the hotel. Paul leaned on me and said "m'tired." "I know. You'll be back in your bed soon, Paulie." Ringo huffed as the car took longer than expected. It arrived five minutes later and Paul got in first, then me, then Ringo. We began to drive and Paul laid down in my lap. Ringo grabbed him by his collar and said "no." "It's ok." I said to Ringo. Paul slapped Ringo's hand away and said "stop!" Ringo huffed again and Paul looked up at him. "Don't even try it." He said. Paul furrowed his eyebrows and said "try what?" "Ringz, what'd I say about being a jelly belly?" I asked. Ringo sighed and Paul said "I'm really drunk." "No shit." Ringo said. We got to the hotel and Ringo got out first. I tapped Paul and said "hey, come on." He sat up and held his head. I got out of the car and Paul followed. We went to walk away and Paul still stood by the street. I grabbed his hand and said "just hold my hand since you can't walk." He nodded and grabbed my hand. The three of us walked to the elevator and Paul was slightly stumbling. When we got to the tenth floor, Ringo looked at Paul who was trying to get us to come with him back to his room. "No. You need to lie down." Ringo said. "Where's your room key?" I said to him. Paul began searching his pockets slowly and Ringo removed his hands and then began digging in Paul's pockets. "Ringo, stop!" Paul said as he took Ringo's hands off him. I stuck my hand in his pocket and said "got it." Paul looked at me and said "Lucy, you're really pretty." "And you're really drunk." I replied. He chuckled and I handed the key to Ringo. "Room 1009." We went down the hall and Ringo unlocked the door and Paul stumbled inside, falling onto the bed. "Go to sleep." Ringo said. Paul nodded and Ringo set his key on the table in the room. Ringo then closed the door and the two of us went back to our room. "He's like a child." Ringo mumbled. "You'll have a child soon so better get used to it." I said to him.

This chapter is so long and I didn't mean to get carried away but I did. Hopefully you guys like long chapters

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