Obama x Shrek

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Obama was thrown out of his own home. His possessions in hand as his wife shouted a few curse words at him and slammed the door. He sighed, deeply regretting playing 'Bring me to life' throughout the night.

He decided to start his journey for shelter.

After miles and miles of walking, he finally found a swamp. A sign had an ogre on it with a warning but being Obama he didn't take any notice of it.

He knocked on the door lightly, slightly feeling groggy from walking past the unfamilar mud. After a few light knocks, he decided to kick the door down.


A green, ogre that was 7 foot looked down at the vulnerable man.

A light blush was found on the former presidents cheekbones as he admired the creatures ears.



A few days later they were married and happily together. Michelle was shaking.

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