Rogue (Fairy Tail)

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Requested By IrishSeptember this is her Oc Minako also the part where Minako dates Freed and something bad happens is also her Idea which helped inspire me for this, Btw 1K VEIWS THX GUYS :)

"That stupid green haired cheating son of a bitch IM DONE WITH HIM!" I yelled walking into my guild I'm an Earth Mage and apart of Sabertooth. "What's wrong now Minako?" Rogue asked I turned and faced the raven haired man. Though everyone sees rogue as emotionless He's actrully really nice and a close friend to me.

"Freed cheated on me AGAIN! Ugh I don't care That's it I don't care! I don't even love him anymore anyway!" I rambled on pissed at the fact I had stayed with him. Sting slowly walked up with a broom stick the blonde tried to hide behind Rogue.

"I-is..uh is Minako okay? Last time this happen she chased me around the guild throwing rocks at me" My gazed snapped from Rogue to Sting. "Earth Rotate" I yelled levitating rocks from on the ground. "Don't test me Sting-Kun, You know how I get when I'm pissed!" Before I could attack the now frighten Mage, Rogue place a hand on my shoulder my face instantly grew hot as I let the rocks fall to the ground.

"Minako, Do you have a place to stay?" I shook my head sadly. "No I grabbed all my shit and left without a backup plan" "You can stay with me at my place" I gaped at him. "No...i can't...i...i don't wanna be a bother!" "Its no problem Minako I want you to" Pink dusted his pale face I smiled and blushed also. "Ok! Thank you Rogue-Kun!" Rogue wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lead me towards his house. "OH GET SOME OF THAT SWEET ASS ROGUE!" both our faces flushed smirking I turned to face sting sending rocks after him knocking him over.

"Sorry I had to let's go!" I smiled walking infront of him.

Rogue's p.o.v

I watched Minako walk In front of me I couldn't help but stare at her hips. They swayed perfectly matching the bounce of her long beautiful silky hair. Oh how perfect her whole body was I just wanted to touch it run my hands down her curves as she screamed and moaned my name. I want to watch her boobs bounce as I- Minako dropped something she bent down with her ass in the air Oh those tight jeans I couldn't help the blood the gushed out of my nose sending me flying backwards I stared up at the sky trying to regain my sanity until Minako's face popped up.

"Oh my god... Rogue are you okay... your nose is all bloody!" My eyes moved down her Vneck shirt my nose bleed more I adverted my gaze away from her breast. "IM FINE IM FINE" I practically yelled at her "Lets uh just go please" She frowned a little but smiled once again after she placed a kiss on my cheek. "Don't scare me like that again Idiot" She growled walking off.


Gray:Ok sorry Maddie~

Minako's p.o.v

I plopped onto Rogues soft couch dressed in my Panda tank top with matching pj shorts and fuzzy slippers. "Minako you sure you don't want to sleep in my bed tonight?" Rogue shouted from the other room I pondered on the thought but then Remembered the fight between me and Freed

~ Le wonderful FlashBack~

"You cheating bastard! I HATE you!" I screamed at freed.




~ Le end of FlashBack~

"NO! I'm fine I promise!" I yell back before drifting off to sleep.

~ Le 5 minute time skip while I go kill Gray! Gray:Nooo but I love you!~

"Minako... Minako..." "Mmhm your so sexy Rogue"

"Thanks but.. uh wake up Minako" My amber eyes shot open to meet Rogues red ones my face burned with embarrassment and Rogue's bare chest and abs being pressed against my side didn't help. "Oh god! I didn't meant to call you sexy I'm so sorry" His face got closer to my face his breath tickled my neck.

"It's okay but you were yelling my name like you were in danger" His eyes traced my lips whilst he spoke. "O-oh well I-i-er-I'm-o-Fine thanks" He let out a small sigh without a second thought rogue smashed his lips onto mine. My eyes widen at first but I soon melted into the kiss Rogue smirked then climbed onto the couch to straddle my waist Passion filled the air as the heated kissed pushed on.

Sadly being humans oxygen was needed Rogue pulled away panting harshly for air. "I-I'm so sorry Minako I had to kiss you you don't understand how much you turn me on" I grinned and pecked him on his lips. "It's okay rogue.. I've always loved you"

He smirked as he brought his lips to my neck kissing it softly immediately finding my weak spot. "Rogue" I groaned under him smiling against my neck he abused the spot while snaking his hands up my shirt. "Minako" Rogue whispered. "I need you" nodding I let him remove my shirt revealing my breast. A light moan left his lips Whilst he kissed my whole upper body and breast.

Preoccupying my hands I reached down to stroke his manhood earning more moans from him I softly giggled. "Rogue look at me" His eyes drifted to mine quickly giggling more I pulled him down for a deep passionate kiss. One hand stayed down to toy with him while the other ran through his soft hair. Our tongues danced they're own lovers battle I pushed pasted his to explore his moist mouth.

"Min-" his moans were captured by my mouth. Our kisses got sloppier and more hungry while we removed the rest of our clothing. "Are you ready?"

I got silent "Rogue this...this is m first" "Your first time? if you want to stop we can-" "No no I I uh want this just don't hurt me"

"I won't" He moved his member infront of my heat teasingly rubbing the tip on my clit earning a moan from both of us. Rogue slid into me slowly as tear threatened my eyes. "Rogue it hurts it hurts" I cried rogue leaned down to whispered sweet nothing in my ear. after a few minutes I gave him a weak nod to move the pain turned into pleasure "Rogue FASTER" he moved faster thrusting deeper I became a moaning mess underneath him. "!" rogue moaned He through my leg over his shoulder to go deeper this through me over the edge all I saw was white I felt rogues teeth sink into my neck.

"OH GOD ROGUE" A hard pit grew within my stomach my other leg made it over rogues shoulder making him going deeper then I thought was possible. "Minako..Minako I'm going to" "I know so am I" "GAH ROIGNAKEO" We yelled in unison releasing at the same time rogue pulled out and laid ontop of me breathing heavily while I tried to get my vision back along with Raking my hand through his soft raven hair I kissed him deeply. "That was amazing! I love you rogue" "I love you too Minako"

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