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So I'm using this one shot for both of my stories Random Lemons and Bleach One Shots because two people have request Ulquiorra. So this is for FairyDemonSoulReaper (Random Lemons Requester) and EmiD73 (Bleach One Shot Requester) ENJOY LOVELIES

Ulquiorra laid you down on the soft red silk sheets of his king size bed. His hands traveled down you body stopping at you legs pushing you up into a sitting position back against the headboard. Ulquiorra pushed his rough lips against your own soft pink ones shoving his tongue into your mouth to explore his new territory. You smiled and moaned into his mouth getting moan in return from him.

Ulquiorra couldn't exactly explain this feeling you gave him but he enjoyed your h/l) (h/c) that brought out you (e/c) eyes and your perfect Skin tone that was flawless. First time he heard your name it rolled off his tongue and made him warm on the inside. You started out as Grimmjows Fraccion but you had pissed off Grimmjow to make him want to kill you as you tried to escape the Sexta Espadas wrath Ulquiorra stood infront of your quivering body saving you and taking you on as his own Fraccion.

"___" He groaned grinding on you you felt something hard against your stomach clearly knowing Ulquiorra was turned on sent shivers down your spine turning you on more. Throwing your head back you gave him permission to suck and bite your tender heated flesh whilst bucking you hips unconsciously into his.

"Ulquiorra" you mewled your right hand rested on the horn on his hollow mask There were mixed emotions in his shiney green eyes a small smile appeared on his face as he literally ripped your shirt off your curvey body instincts kicked in as you covered your chest. "Don't" Ulquiorra whispered "I may not full understand these emotions but Your beautiful ___ and I don't want you covering yourself up" His lips met yours in a more heated kiss you draped your arms over his neck while he toyed with your Breast pinching and massaging the harder nipples. Pulling both of you were panting and sweaty you started to undress the segunda espada after previously flipping over your bodies. Your (s/t) hands traced overs his slim yet muscular figure silently running your fingers over his hollow hole and 4 on his chest. You left rough kisses from his jugular to his hole your pink muscle darted out licking around the outer part. "___" Ulquiorra grunted bucking his hips harder His Pants getting tighter on him as his harder dick pounded with anticipation. Smirking slightly you made your way down the sheets slipping off his pants and boxers.

Firmly grasping his harden member you began stroking it slowly Gaining more loud grunts and moans from the pale man under you. "Are you enjoying this?" "You will be punished for these actions trust me ___" Gaining more confidence you took his member in your mouth licking the tip seductively before engulfing it fully Bobbing your head and forcing down his uncontrollable hips from choking you to death. You growled onto the member as you felt it pulsating in your mouth before he could cum you pulled away giggling. "WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled sexually Fustrated with a quick fluid motion Ulquiorra flipped you ripping off all your clothes not giving a fuck where they when.

"It's time for your punishment __" He licked the shell of your ear before bitting down on your skin and trusting furiously into you. A yelp escaped your lips as your began panting helplessly the pain and pleasure mixed at Ulquiorra slammed in and out of your body a burning sensation grew in your belly before you release tossing your head back once for as a load screaming moan flew past your lips your body was spazzing out but Ulquiorra didn't stop he went faster harder and deeper pumping his dick in and out after you released for a second time Ulquiorra finally followed suit.

Untangling your sweaty dirty bodies you felt something run down your neck placing a Shapley hand to your flesh you realised Ulquiorra had bitten through the fragile skin. "God I hate you Ulquiorra" You groaned before snuggling closer the the already asleep male closing your you also drifted off to sleep.

Ik it sucks but I hadn't had time to think it out since I had to go to my cousins wedding and baby sit my evil nephews but in the end I hoped you enjoyed it.

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