Jack Imagine - Can I Have This Dance

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You were at your Prom sitting with your friends, no one asked you and you didn't think anyone would accept if you asked them. You watched everyone walk in with their boyfriends and the way they look at their girlfriends made you really sad knowing that you're a Junior in High School at your Prom alone, until your High School crush walked in alone and looking handsome. Jack Avery was in a black suit with a black tie and you just sat there staring at him "Hey Y/N are you listening?" Your friend Carmen said while snapping her fingers in your ears "Sorry, my mind was somewhere else. What were you saying?" "We were just talking about who is gonna be the lucky girl and boy to be Prom king and queen." Your other friend Jazzy said, "Oh well I think Sam and Mason are gonna win." You said grabbing your glass of Sprite and drinking a little bit. The night went on and you danced every once in a while you even took pictures with your friends, but the one person you wanted to dance with and take pictures with was Jack he was with his friends and their girlfriends, you didnt understand how Jack Robert Avery was still single he is the Football captain and the star Basketball player. You and him would talk every know and then if the teacher had put y'all together for a project which would happen every so often because you and him hardly had classes together but y'all would go to Track meets and he would sit behind you and y'all would talk every now and then but you would be sleeping because your coach was very stricted because you ran a lot and did field events which would sometimes be back to back and it would make you very tired so you needed sleep, he ran a lot too but he would be full of energy once y'all got to the track. You started to like him since the start of your Junior year and you havent told him at all, it would kill you sometimes because you would lay awake at night thinking about him, anyways Prom was about 2 hours away before ending and they announced Prom Kind and Queen which you got right. You sat there while everone joined the two on the dance floor and another slow song came after, you sat there again until you noticed Jack right next to you "Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to come dance with me?" Jack said scratching behind his neck "Yeah, that'll be fun." You said grabbing his hand and him leading you to the floor. The both of y'all started to waltz while you were looking down at his feet "Don't know how to Waltz?" Jack said into your ear, you nodded your head because it was true you sucked at dancing "It's okay, just look at me and I'll lead the way." Jack said lifting your head and your eyes met his, he did what he said and lead the way the song was about to end when he went in and kissed you, that's when you felt fireworks and butterflies in your stomach. He pulled back and looked deep into your eyes "I'm sorry, I've been wanting to kiss you for so long. Look Y/N I have loved you since we ran into each other on the first day while I was running to Chemistry, I've been afraid to tell you how I felt because I didn't know if you felt the same." Jack confessed and you just was there still dancing with him in shock "Jack, I've felt the same way since that day too. I would always think that you were too cool and popular for an ordinary girl like me, you're the popular one and I'm the nerd of the school." You said while looking into his brown eyes "Well since we both have feelings for each other, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Jack said with a shy smile and hope in his eyes, you looked down at the floor then looked back into his eyes "I would love to." You said. Jack smiled and pulled you into another kiss and the song ended, you both went to your table and you told your friends about you dating Jack, "Hey babe, let's go take pictures so we can never forget this night." Jack said pointing to the photographer, the both of you went and snapped those cute couple poses and y'all got the pictures. The Prom ended and he drove you home "I am so happy that you're finally mine, I can't wait to show you off." Jack said handing you his coat because you were shivering "I'm so happy that I'm yours, forever and always." You said with the biggest smile on your face. He opened the door for you and walked you to your front door "I love you Y/N." Jack said while rubbing your hand with his thumb "I love you too Jack." You said while leaning into a kiss. That was the best Prom night you've ever had.

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